Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Book Ill. Chap.I.Sect. 4 way ? It is affirmed on thefe grounds. r. In that it hath the name ofa Covenant. '2. In that it hath the r~al properties of a Covenant. 1. The name of a Covenant as it appears in thefe Exod.Ji.17, texts. And the Lord faid unto Mofts, write thife words, for .a. after the temr of thefe words, I have made a Covenant with thee, and with !frat!, and he was there with the Lord fourt; da;es, and foHrty nights, he did neither c11t hread, nor drmlzw11 • D ter; and he wrote upon the tables the words of the Cove- :ut.413• h d n11nt, the ten Commandments.-- And e ecl11red unto Jou his vcr.u ver.lf· (,which he commanded you to performe, even the ten Commandments, andhe wrotethemupontwotiiMesofftone.- When 1 was gone ( fayes t.Mofes ) up into the Mount to receive the two tables ofjlo?u,ewn the rablu of the Coven11nt which the Lordmade with ;ou, the?' I akode in the c.MoHnt fo'!rty dayes 11nd fourt} nights, 1 nmher a1d r~~te bread, nor drmlz w111er.- And it came to paf[e at the end of fourty dayes , and fourt; nightJ, that the Lord gave me the two tables of jl11ne, even the tables of the Coverumt.-- So 1 turned .rnd came down fro161 the Mount,and the mount burnedwith fire, and the two tables of the Covenant were in my two hands: lt appears plainly and exprelfcly in thefe texts that the Law is a Covenant. 2. The Law hath the real properties of a Covenant which are the mutual confent and Ripulation on both fides. Y~u may fee a full relation of this in E xod. 24- 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 . AndMoExod.,.•• 3.•M fes came and told the people all the words of the Lord, .rnd all <l,7,8. the judgements, and all the people anfwered with one voice all the words which the Lord hath ft~id will we do : and M•fcs "Wrote till the words ofthe Lord, and rofe up early in the morning, and builded .rn alter under the hill, and tw.eive pillllrs,ac- 'ording to the twelve tribes of 1frael; and he .fcnt young men of the children of 1frael, which offered brm~t-offerings, 11nd facri· jjced peace-offerings of o).:en unto the Lord; andrMofes to* h11/f of the blood, and put it in bafons,ctnd half of the blood he JPtink.· Jed on thr Alter; and he took_ the book_ of the Covenant, and read ill the audience of the people, and they Jaid, all that the Lord h11th faid will we do , and be obedient; and t.Mofes took_ the blood, Mid f}rinkfed it on the people, and faid. Behold the blood 4 the Covenant which the Lwd hath made with you concerning all theft 'Jl'ords~ This very palfag.e is related in the Epiftle to the HebreW!, · · whe11