Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

------- The Contents, Seer. 2. ofChriftJ· Sermons this yeare, p. 404 Sect. 3. of Chr~fts prophetic,zl offic·e. p. 406 Sect. 4. ofChrijls rniracles. p~ 41 r Ch:Jp. 3. Sect: I. of the thirdyeiweof Chrijls miniflry, andgeneralty ofhis actings that ye~r~~ . . p. 420 Sect. 2, ofChrifts ordination ofhis Apojlles-.. p~ ibid.. Sect, 3. ofChrifls reception of ji}mers:, p.4z6 Seer, 4. ofChrijls eajie Yoke, and light 6urthen, . p. 437 Chap. 4. Sect, I • . ofthe fourthyeare. of r;hrijlsminijlry; anagenerally· 'Ofhisactingsinthatyean:, · .' . · · p.452 Sec.r, 2. ofthe dijlif.c.tion~ or fe'l!.era! divifions ofChrijls righteoufnej[e". · t. · p. 45' 3 S~ct,J. ofthe holin~([e-ifchr~fts natttr~~ , ,, ~ p. 4H Se~t. 4· of the holinef[e of Chrifls life. . ' \ ) \\' . R· 4 56· Se~ 5. ofthe great c·ontrn.v~r{le whether we are.']ujlifieJ,6y the , · J.asjive:r_ighteoufne(Je of Ck~ift ~n/y-,·\ '!'ithout ~~J .• ~onflr!b:atiqp }ad • r. fo th~ rtghteoufnej[e of Chrij!, el!h~r. mherenf m. h,m, ~rperformed ~ h htm? · . \ <'. ,:, ·., ~ : , . . ~ 462 Chap. ). Sect. r. of knowing_]eJtts a.r·carryifig_; (If!, the · l;rea~ ·11Jork of · · our Jalvationin his_fife. · .l .· ·; '· ,I: · ' • .. P~467 Seer. 2, ofcon{idermg Iefas-rn that re(pect, p. 468" Sect. 3. o(defhng after]ef us in that refpm •. p~ 48 z. Sect. 4. ofhoping in I e[us in t~at l'.eJpect: · p.487 ~ecr. 5. of6eteeving in I efus in that refpect.. P'· 493' Sta. 6. o(hn:ing_ Iefu'S i~{/i~tre{~e~A · . ~ i\5"09 Se.Ct"7 o}JoytngmJe{usznthatr.eJject: · •· · .P·5I3 ., Sed-. 8. ()f calling on Iefus in that refpect~ ,_, , , \ :. p...;x 8: '_ S¢Cl.9•. ofconforming toJefus,_in thai r.efpec~~ . ·,,'. ',~ ~. }>~. 519 .. . ·\; ' . ' ' ' ' ' "'1.,c• BOOK. IV•. Part.~. ,. 1 • '>.'~ ~Chap .. r. Sect~ · r, ' 11n.d ~Hres .. of lhe. daJ of chrifls Juffi~ings de'tlided into p4rts . . . . p. 539' s'ecr. ~.