Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

158 Book. III. Lookingtmte :Jefus. E1od.1g.s ,6. ~- ~ ----- it is taken for the whole morallaw,with the preface and prornifes added to it ; and in this lafi fenfe we take it, when we fay it is a Covenant ofgrace. _ 3. How may it appear that the Law in this fenfe is a Covenant of grace? Jt appeares, x. By that contract betwixt God and I[raei before the promulgation of the Law. If ye will obey my voice indeed, and k;:rp my Covenant, Then ye /hall be a peculiar treafure unto me above all people , for all the earth iJ mine; andye foal/ be unto mea KingdomeofPricftJ , 11nd an holy Nation. Wherunto·tbe Prophet 'fenmy bat~ reference, faying, obey m; voice·, and do thrm according to all wh1ch I command you , [o foal/ ;au be my people, and I will be;our Cjod. Both tbefe Scriptures fpeak of the moral Law, or ten Commlndments , containing the preface and promifes ; and bow fhould ihat Law , be any other but a Covenant ofgrace , which run_nes in this tenour, I will beyour God, and JDU /ball be my peopl(; my peculiar treafure; ll KlniT· elome of Prie.fts, an holy Nat ion if you will 6Nt hear and obq ;,} Commandments? Surely thefe priviledge5 could never have been obtained by a Covenant ofworkes; what? to be a Kingdome of Priefis, an holy Nation, a peculiar treafure to the Lordi' what~ to be beloved ofGod as a defirable treafure (for fo it is in the original) which a King delivers not into the hands of any of his Officers, but keepeth it to himfelfe? this cannot be ofworkes . No , no , thefe are priviledges vouchfafed ofmeere grace in Je: fus Chrift; and therefore Peter applyes this very promife to the peopleofGodundertheGofpel, r Pet.2.9. 2. It appeares by thar contrad betwixt God and I[r11el in the promulgation ofthe Law; then it was that God proclaimed him- - felfe to be the God of lfrael; faying, I 11m the Lord thy, 'TIJhich brought thee out of the Landof Egypt, out ofthe hot4fe'of hond~tge. Some hold this to be the affirmative part of the firft Commandment ; in which the Gofpel is preached , and [he promifes therein COAtained are offered. We fay it is a preface co the whole Law, prefixed as a reafon to perfwade obedience to every Commandment. But all univerfally acknowledge tha~it is a free Covenant . which promifeth pardon offinne, and requireth faith in the Meffiah; when God fatth to I(rael, I am the Lord . th] q od which brought thee ~ut ofthe LandofEgypt , doth he not propound himfelfastheir King, Judge, Saviour, and Redeemer? Yea,