~hap.i.sea.4. ~oak JII, I6S 4 . This is the great pro~ife , what can be greater ? w~en God faid to Abr.1ham , 1 wzl/ be thy God, what ~ould be g1ve more ? fo when God tells us, I am ·th~ Lord thy God, what Hcb. ~,. J· could he fay more ? God 'having nog-;:eater ·to fwtar by,, (faith the Apofth) hef wpre by himfe~f. _ So God being minded to do great things for his people ; and ha~in,g n~ greatoer thing to give, he giveshimfel r. 0 the goodne!fe of God tnChnft ! I am the Lord thy God. 5. Let us fee the fruit of this in reference to I [rae!; which brought thee out• of the Land of Egypt , out ofthe houft of bondage. G tr 13 • 4 This wa• Gods promifelong before to Abraham, know of afure- en, · ' 1 • •· ty , rhat tby fled fba/1 be 11 jlro,mgcr in .fl L and :bat iJ not theirt , and fhllll fervethem, and thry jhali .jflia themfoure hundrethye11ret ; o 11nd :.~r" th;~ t ?\(ation whon. they jh.dl ferv ewilt Ijndge , and after-- wardr /hall they come oJtt with great fub.ftance. See here Ifraelo muft be ftrangers in Egypt, and ferve the Egyptians foure hun! dreth yeares; but then he will bring them out ofthe land_of Egypt , and out of their fervile bondage ; why this argues that god is Yeho11ah ; -now he has ·performed what he had foretold; . and this argues that God in Chrift is our Redeemer ; fo·r what: , was this redemption from e_gypt , but a. type of OUll' freedome from finne ,. death·, and1hell? _here is the_ wol'k. of redemptioq. joyned with that great name fehovab Elohim , to fignifie that fuch a redemption is a clear teftimony of a true and mighty God. Whether this were hid down onely as a peculiar argument to the Jewes to-keep theCommandments , or it belongs alfo to us , be.,. ing graffed in and become of the fame frock with them , I 1hall ' not difpute ; this is without any concroverfie that their bondage 0 ~as typical , and o1.1rs fpirit~alsou fee the: g9od thing_s promifed 0 m this covenant. 6.0 What _is the condition.ofthiscovenant· on our p;trt .aswe · may_gather tt hence ? The condition of this covenant .isfaith in ': ~efus, which is implyed in the promif~ , 1 wi ll-be thy qod, or Jam the Lord thy qod~ and commanded 111 the pr-ecept built up,. on it, thou (h .-It have me tobe thy God, , or thoufhaft have no ether God1before me. But where is faith inJefus Chrifi .mentioned either in pror_nife~r pre~ept ?. I anfwer, ,if it.;be not expreifed, it js very pl~mly mtenaed , or meant ; :God is not the God of Jf 'l!;~el . bu~ ~ ~nd through t~e Mediator ~ neither can Jfrnej take x-3' . Goa: