Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap. I .Sect. s·. Lou king unto'fefm. Book III: 1 75 4 . In that we are by nature no better then others that are without God, and without G_ovenant; what makes the dttference Ephcf.z.u: betwixt us and them! but thts_free grace of God ? is there any reafon in us why one ts taken mto a covenant , and another is not ? nay,Ile tell you a wonder; So it pleafeth the Lord , that fometimes God choofeth the worft, and ieaves thofe that are better then they : we read that Publicans and Harlors were taken in, andthe righteous generation which JuHified thernfelves, and were juil:ified by others,were pa!Ied by; fure!y God refpeCl:s none for any thing in them; his deGgne is,that the freenelfe ofhis grace might be feen in thofe whom he takes to himfelf. Hence the Apof1:le God choofeth the foolifo things of this world, 11nd the C we«k! thi~gs ofthis world,ba[e and defpifed things; whiles in the; or.1 ' 17 •18 mean time he palfeth by the wife, 11nd mighty,and things of high 9 ' efieeme . that all rrien might fee, it is tbe grace of God, and not any thing in man,by which we are taken into covenant with him. 5. How is the covenant faid to be ordered ? the word ordered will helpe us in the anfwere? it fetsout to us a marfhalli'ng, and fit laying of things together, in oppofition to diforder and contuG.on ; the Septuagint renders it h•ll'l'"m~, which lignifies · rnarfhalled , difpofed, prepared , fee forth , as an army in comely order; the fame word is in 'fudg. ~o. 22. And the men of I(rael encour.1ged themfelves, and /et their vaftd arraine in ]udg~1o.t: . arra7. Aswefeeinanarmy, everyone isfetinrankea~dfile, fo is every thing in this covenant ranked, difpofed, ordered,_ that it ftands at belt adv:mtage to receive and repel the enemy; a poore Chrifiian that hath a troubled fpirit ~ he fets himfelfe againil: free grace, and this everlail:ing covenant ; he raifeth thoufands of objections againfl: it, but now the covenant is ordered it fiands like amarfhalled army to receive him, and repel him. Come let us fee a little how it is ordered in all thin ITs I · fhall inHance onely in thefe particulers. As-- "' · I. It is wdl ordered in refpeCl:ofrheroot out ofwhich it ('Jrew: this (fay Divil'!es) was the infinite foveraigntie, and wifd~me - and mercy of God. I. it was founded in Gods foveraigntie. h~ had a right to do what he 'would with his-fallen creatures; ~ ...- . might damne , or fave whom he pleafed; hath1ot the potter pow- -4r ova the clay ,- of the fame lampe tfJ maks_ one vej[el unto honour •. and/.