Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

·-----·-·---------~--- Book l i I . Looking tmto fefrH. Chap. 1 SeCt.)" . imd another unto dijhonour? 2. it was founded in wifdome; the covenant ofgrace was a refult of counce!; it was no rdh ad \lut a deliberate act with infinite wifdome; Cod being the Save: nign of all his creatures, and feeing mankind in a penfhing condttion, he determined within himfelfdeliberately to make fuch a · covenant ofpeace, ·firfr with Chrifr , and then with all the Elc:Cl in Chrifr. 3. It waS' founded in m_t::n>y; (i.) ·in the goodnefs of God flowing out freely to one in mifery ; for mercy , we fay ·; is made up of thefe two acts; I .There mufr be an pbject of rnifery. 2. There rnufr be a free effiuxe of goodnefs on that object. now the covenant of grace was founded on both thefe, as 1. 'There was an ob jeCI: ofmifcry , loft man , wretch ~d man , undone by ' finne; and,2. There was an effiuxe ofGods goodneffe, his very bowels moved within him , and-they could not'hold , I have lo- "'IJed thee with 11n ev'erlafting love (faith God) therefore with lovingkjndneJTe have I drawn thee; Surely this was well-ordered; a perplex~d foul, ,may have its fpirit up in armes againfr the covemint of grace ; 0 cryes the foule in its fad condition ' }am miji:- rable; I fball not liw,but dye, myjinnes will damn me, 1 flm loft for ever. Why , but fee how the covenant is ordered in refpeel: ofthe root or rife; it ftands like a well.marffialled Army to receive, and to repel thofe doubts: as, I. God aCI:ed in a way of Soveraignty, apd cannot God fave thee if he will ? 2. God aCI:ed in a way of wifdorne, and though thou fedl no way but one with thee, death ,and damnation ; yet cannot infinite wifdomecontrive another way? 3. God acted in a wa) of mercy , and 0 thou affliEtd, toffed with teinpefts, and nor cumforted , is not infinite mercy above all thy mifery ? why fee , fee poor foul bow the covenant repels all thy oppoGtionsin refpeCI: of its rife. 2. It is well ordered in refpect of the perfons interefred in it from all eternit y; and they are God the Father, and J efus ( hrifr ' his Son; as for the Saints Elect, they were not" then, and therefore the Covenant could not be immediately !huck with them; now there was grear.need ofthis order ., for lhould the Covenant have been made betwixt God the Father and the Elect from all eternity, and that immediately; a troubled foul would have oppofed it thus. r. If it was from all eternity, how then fhall I he capable of it ? alas my being was not fo long Gnce. z. Jf it were