Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

- -t- ·---- - --- Chap. 1.Se<.'t.; L~Joking ulJto 1if:u. Book ! I I· J 77 were made with me immediateiy , ~hen thad fome p ~_ rc to performe ofmine own power aPd itreugth,but alas I have fa iled,I can do nothing : 0 buc now the covenant is a well ordered coveJ~ant in thefe refpech; For, -I. ChnH had a being from all eternity ; and thou,as an Elect velfel hadfr thy being in him, as he was thy bead. 2. Chrift is able to pertorm_e the c.ovenant, and beino contractor it lies upon h1s fcore to fattsfie !us Father; he that riri~ made th~ bargame mufr look to ful~l it ; and for thy part if thou doe& any thing it mufr be through him, WithaM ml! y can do nothir;g•. Why. fee now, fee ho~ thecovc~an~ r~pels all thy oppofitions lO re-pect ofche prrfons Interefred tn tt from all Job I f.} eten,Jty ; God hath his place, and Chrifr his place, and Faith his place, and the Sinner his place. - 3.· It is well ordered in refped: of the m~thod of the articles in their feveral workings; firtt God begins, then we come on; fu·fl God on b:s part gives grace and glory, and then we on our parts ad faith and obedience; God hath ev~r the firfr work ; as tirfr, I wiU 6e yo11r God, and chenpu /half be my people; . firft , I 'Will tak.fawalfheftony heart, and give anhetlrt of flefo, andJer. 3I· B then you foal/ loathyour{elves for your iniquities, and for your 11 • ~ze: ;: z6,j t bomixation.r ; firfi:,I 'Will JPrjnkje w,zter up ?~ you, and the.n le foall E~~k:; 6:~; : be clean[rom all your filrhrnt>Jfe; firfr, I 'W&!/put my Spmt Jntoyou, Zach.rz, ,~. , and c11u[ey ou to wa/~ in my Statutes, and then ye foal/ k.fep mJ judgementJ an.:l do them; firfr, I will pQu re out my Spirit of grac~ and fupplication upony ou, and then ye foal! mourn ao a;nan m6>urn· . n.h for his only fonne ; firfl, I will do all , and then you fhaU do fomething : A perplexed troubled fpirit is apt to cry out, O! alao 1 can do nothing; I can ao 'Well d1Jfolve 11 rock, ao ma~e mJ heart of ft onea heart of flefo l Ma.k now bow the covenant ftands well ordered like an Army, .I will do all , faith God, and then thou fhalt do fomethirig ;' I willfl:rengtben and,quicken you, and then you fhall ferve me faith the Lord. · 4· It is well oraered in refpect of the end and aime to which all the pares of the Covenant are referred . the end ~f the covenant is the pr~ti[e of the glory of hisgrace; 'the parrs,oft hecoven.anc are ~he pr~mife; and fr ipulation; the promife is either prin- Ephef. t .6. r1pal or 1mme~tate, and t?at is Ch!ifi; or fecondary and confequenttal,and that ts pardon Jufrll1catwn reconciliation fitnd:ificacion, gloriilcacion ; the ilipulation on 'our parts ar~ A a f1i th