Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap. 1 • Setl:.5. L k . ~ (' o.g mg unto J'fJ tu. Bock III. 179 burn, the Sun berurnedjnto darkr.elfe , and the very heavens, be confounded With the earth , then the prom1fe ofGod !hall fai!e. The te!limony ~f th'e Lord isfurr, faith DtP.Vid; Cbriil:Pr. r 9 • 7 made it, and writ it with his own blood; to this very end was Chrift appointed, and it hath been all _bis work to cnfure heaven to his Saints. Some qudl:ion whether it be in Gods prefent power to blot a name out of the book of life ? we fay , no , his deed was at firft free , but now it is necelfary, not ab!olutcly, but ex hypothefi , upon fuppofition of his Eterna! covenant. Hence it is that the Apoftle fayes, if e a~rJi~nes, he isfaithfu/ 1 J0h, 1 , 9 andjufl tn forgive uJ our Jinnes; It IS JUltice With God to pardon the Elects fins as the cafe now ftands:indeed mercy was all that favcd us primarily; but now truth faves us, and ftands engaged with mercy , for our heaven; and therefore David praycs , fend forth mercy ttnd tntth and fave me. We fin de it often in the Pf.~7.~ Pfalmes, as a prayer of David, deliver_me in thy ,·ighteotifnefle, P1: JI.J,·-!f;. and judge me accarding to thy righteou(nefle, and quickgn mr in thy :.4:- ' 1 19·40! righteou(nef{e, andinthyfaithfulncf[e an/werme, andinthyrigh-14J •1 • teoufneffe; now if it had not been forth~ covenant ofgrace, {urely David durfl: not have faid fuch a word. The covenant is fure in every refpeCl: , I will makg an everlafling covement with you _ . (faith God) even the Jure mercies ofDavid. )til,S' H• 6. Whether is Chrift m?re ckarlier manife!led in this breaking forth ofthe covenant then 10 any of the former ? The affirmative will appear in that we find in this manifdl:ation thefe particuhirs.- x. That be was God r ~nd man inoiJepe~fon ; DavidsSop, and yet Davids Lord ;the Lort! my .{-m·d;fit thou on my rigbt hand,untill I mt~k! thine rnemie!.thy'[oo!flflole. _ ' .Ff.ho.r ~ 2. That he fuffered fJr us: and in hisfufferings how many particulars are difcovered ! as firft , his c.ry,, my God, my qod , Pf. u.r. why haft thou for[ak_tn me ? Secondly •·• 1the }e;wes taynts, he truftedon the L~rd that he woulddeliver him; let him dtliver him if he delight in him. Thirdly, the very manner ofhis death , they Msc.17.46, pierced my hands andmy feet, I may tef! all my bone.t, they look.. andflare upon me,they part my garments among them, and cajl!otJ Pf,a.S. uponmyveflure. · M1r,t7,43 · 3.That he rofe again for us. thou wilt not. leave my [oulin hell pr.21 • 16 • 17J neither wilt thoufuff'er thine H;!J Oneto fee corruption. . ' . '::~t.a7.3f. · A a 2 4. That