!'8o !':a\ .16 .1 o. Pfai 6S.t8 , Eph,r 4 .s. Mxz.p. PIJI.t.6,7. .1\Ci,l) 3)• Book Ill. Chap. I. Sect. 6 4· That be afcended up into h,eaven ; thou bafi afu11drd on high , thou haft led ct~pt~vit) captive,thou haft receivedgift1 fwmen. 5. That he muft be King over us , both to rul~ and governe his Elera: , and to bridle and fubdue his enemies ·; I have Jet my King upon my holy hill ef Sion ; I will dec /are the de11[.1 10.• ,:. cree , the L~rd hMh fltid unto me thou art my Sonne this day have ]'begotten thee. ·-- The Lord faid unto my fwd, fit thou at my right h11na unti!t I mak.f thine enemies thy jootfloo/. The Lo,dfoa/1 fend the rod of thyftrength out ofZion, rultthou in the midjhf thine enemies. IH:b I.q 6. That he mufi be Priefi as well as King ; and Sacrifice Pfal.1xo.4. as well as Priefi ; The Lord hath [worn and will not repent, thou nrt a Prieft for ever , after the order of (_JJ,[efchht~ dech. -~ Thou io1Jeft righuoufneJTe , and hateft wiclz.- edne.ffe , therefore God , thy God hath anointed thee with the oyle of gladneJTeabove thy fellowu. (i.) Above aU ~hriftians, JHeb. s.lf. ~fal.4j.].. who are thy Fellowes , Conforts , and Partners m the anointing ; S~tcrifice ttnd burnt-offering thou wouldft' net havr ~1 b·4°·6•7; but mine care haft thqu bOAred ; burnt-offering , and jinne~ ~ac , Io. 5,6·7· .a: . h .a h . d h r .d 'J ' I . . oJ;ermg aJ' t ou net reqmre ; t en 1a1 , .o c•mt; m the volume of the book... it is writtrn of me , that I /hould do thy will 0 God. Mine eares hafi tho? boae~ , Or digged open .; the Septuagint to make the tenfe plamer, fay, but a body hAft thou {it ted to me , or prepared for me, Meaning that his body · was ordatned and fitted to be a Sacrifice for the finnes of the world ' when other legal i f'acrifices were refufed as unprofitable. 0 fee how dearely Chritr is revealed in this expreifure of the covenant! it was n.cver thus before. And thus far ofthe covenant of promife as it was manifefle.d ftom'Davidtill the captivity. --~-______ ..,_,.._.., _____ SECT: VI. Ofthe coventmt. oj J!r.amife as mt!lni{eftrd to Ifrael abum thr time of the captivity;. THE great'breaklng~ rort!1 of this gracious covenant was to Ifw/.about cli~ time.<1fdicir 'apcivity. By- reafon of thac • . . . . . - . ' - ' . Cl!Q: