'chJp.I.Sett.6. Looking unto ::fefos. Book lll.. captivity of 'Bt~ln/on, Ijr11el was almoft clean defhoyed; and therefore then it was high time that ti.Je Lord fhould appear ltke a Sun after a ll:ormy raine, and give them fome clear light of Chrifr and of this covenant of grace then ever yet. He doth fo, Jer.3 r.p~ and it ~ppeares efpecia\ly in thefe words, behold t!Je dayes come faith the Lord, that I will makf 11 new covenant with the hott[e of p ; Ifrael, 11nd wi:h the .h,ttjp ofJu~ah; not acc~rding to the covent!_nt which I made wlfh thewfar her.-, tn the day thilt I tovkf them by the hand to bring them out of the land ofEgypt, which my covenant theybreAk.., although I w.:ts an husband unto them, faith the Lord ; but thir foal be the covenant that 1 will make with the houfe_af lfrAel; ll[ur.thofe dayt~f~it~ the !-o1·d, 1 will put "!l Law ~n ·their inward p.:rtf• and wnte Jt m thor hedrts, ~tnd I w1lt be thrtr qod and they · foal/ be my.people, llnllthey jh11/l teach no more; every man his neighbour, And every man his brother, faying , k.now thr L erd, for they foal! All k,now me from the leaft of them, unto the greatejf of them, fAith tht Lord, fir I wilt[orgive tbeir iniquity, and wilt remember their fin no mort. . IH thts expre!fure·of the covenant we .{hall examine thefe particulars.- !. Why it isc.alled a new Co-venant? 2. Wherein the e~pre!fure of this Covenant dOth excell the former,which God made with their fathers·, 3· How doth God put the Law into our inward pam ?' 4· What is it to have the-Law written in our hearts ·' 5· How are wetaughtofGodfo as not to need any otherkind1 ofteachingcomparativdy? , 6. What is the univerfality of t.."'isoknowledge in that al11haU. · know me faith the Lord ? . 7· How is,G od·faid to forgive iniquity,and nevermore to re~- member Gnne ? . 1. Why is it called.a _new cowmmt?' I anf\Ver , ii: is called new, either in refp~Cl: of the late and new ~leffings which God vouchfaf~ Ifrael, ~n br~nging : back th~ir captivity with Joy, a,nd planttn g them m thetr own land agame ·. or it is called: new in refpeCl: of the excellency ofthis covenant'.. thus the Hebrew; were wont to call any thing. exc~llent ,n;w, 0 jing u~to the PfaJ . 9 6.r 0 • f-ord a mw fov~. Pfa : 9_6•. I. that' ts , an excellent fong ; or it· 1·s ca~led new ,, ~n co~tradtctiOn to the <:ovenant of•promife·before ~hrtft came;. tn· t~ts latter [enfe the very fame words here',, are · Aa3, · · re:-