Chlp.x.Seet.6. Looking rmto j.efns. Boo: -... j. and I will he their God, for they ford! returne unto me·with their whole heart. --Again,] willfb~k! all nations, and the dejirt H l g.2~ of the nations [ball come, t1nd I will jill this houfe withglory, faith s. • the LQrd if Huajls ;. the ftlv er is mine, and the gold is mine , faith 9· the Lord ofHoar! s; the glory ofthis latter houfe /btzll begreater then ufth eformer,[aith the Lord ofH011jfs. ~nd1 will put my Law in . their inward parts and write it in their heart!,andl will he their God, Jet .3 l 33d4 and they foall he my people,and they jhalf teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his hrother , faying, k._mw the L ord;[or they [ball all k._now me from the lea.ft of them unto the greate.ft of them faith the Lord ,for I will forgive their iniquitie; ,and Twill remember their Jirmes no more. · · 3. It excells in the difcovery and revelation of the Mediat-or , in and through whom this covenant was made: In the former expreffion we difcovered much, yet in noneo(them was fo plainly revealed the time of his coming , the place of his birth , his name, the paifages of his nativity,his humiliation and kingdome, as we finde them in this.- I; Concerning the time of his coming, feventy weck}s foal/ he DJn 9·~4· determined upon thy people, 11nd upon thy holy City, to fini/h the tranfgrejfion, and to mak}_an end of ftnnes, and to mak,s reconciliation for iniquity, and to hring in everlafting righteoufnef{e , . •tnd to feale up th~ vijion, and prophefte ' and to anoint the moft ~~. . 2. Concerning the place ofhis birth: but thou Bethlehem E- M!cq~"J.· phrata, thtmgh thou be bttle among the thoufands of {udaL, yet - out of th·ee foal! he come forth unto me , that i; to be ruler i;t Jfrael , whofe goings forth have been from of old , from everla.fting. If a. 9 G· . 3, Concerning his name; Vnto ,us ~ child is horn, unto us a · Son is given, and the goverment /b~t!l be upon his fhoulder s; and his Name/hall be called Wrmderful, Cquncellor, the .lklightl God, the everlarfing Father , the Prince ofpeace. - In hisduyes;er·13.6•. [udah /ball be Javed , and Ifrael [ball dwell Ja(E/y-' , and this is his 1'(ame wherebJ he [ball be called , the Lord our righteoufnef[e. Behold a Virgin {hall conceive , and bean a Sonne , and thou 0 Virgin foalt call hi-s N:ame. lm- I(a, 7 . 14 , . manuel.