Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

:.......:......-----·-···-------~----------- ~· a. Zach.g.g. l (a.61.11 Mlt.ll-~. Book I .I. Looking tmto :JejtU, Chap.l Setl. 6 4. Concerning the paffages of his Nativitie, that he iliould be borne of a Vtrgin , l[.11. 7· 14. That at hts b.nh all the infants round about 'Bethlehem iliouid be .flain. 'fer. 3r. ' 15. That ·{~hn the·Baptift !hould be his Prodromus , or forerunner, to prepare his way; Mala. 3. I. That he !hould flee into E []pt and be recalled thence again, Hofe.t. I 1, ~· I might adde many particulars of this kind. • 5. Concerning his humiliation.• Sure f) he hath borne our gricfe.r, 11nd carriul our {orrows, yet we did not rfteeme himjlrtck§n, Jmi , t f n of God, 11nd I!IJfiiff,ed; but he w.u woundedfor our trl!lnfgrejJions, he l!IMS bruiftd for our iniq;titieJ, the chafti(mmt of our peace WM upon him , and with his ftriprs were we healed. --He was oppref{ed, and he was afJliEfed, yet he opened n!Jt his mouth. --- He waJ taksn from prifim , and from judgement, and who jhall dtt:lare bis generation! he was cut ~If out of 1 he l.tnd of the iiving, for the tr.tnjg~effion ofm1 people was he fJrick,pt . - It pleafed the Lord to bruife him, he hath p·ur him to griefe. --·~ Thmforc 'J will divide him a portion with the grMt ~ and he jha!l diflide the JPoile with the ftrong, f>ecaufe he hath pQJtrd uui his foul unto death, 11nd he was numbered with tbe rranjgre{ars" and he bare the fin of rmuq, ·and made intercPJ/illn for the t'ranfgref[ours. One would-thmk this were rather .an htftorr , then a propbecie of Chr,fts fuffer1ngs , you·may 1f you'll take the pams,fee the circumftances of hts fuffcrings, as that be was fold for thtrty pieces oftilver, Zacf•. I r. r 2 . ar;d that with 'thofe thirty pieces offilver there was bought afterwards a Potters held , Z ach. I r. I 3· That ]le muft ride into Jc:rufalem before his paffion ori an Alfe , Z.rch. 9· 9 . I might feem tedious if i iliould pr~ ceed. 6 . Concerning his Kingd<J,ne. Rtjoyce greatly 0 d.tughter of Z iQn, jhout 0 daughter of r erufalcm, behold tf;y K ing comtth r-mto thee ; he is {uft and havingjafv,ttion, lowly , and ridi:'g ttn AjJe, and upo11 a Colt the foale ofan Aj[e. Behold a Kmg, Debold thy King, behold thy King cometh , and he comes unco thee. I. He is a. King , and therefore able. 2 . he 'sthy Ki"g, and therefore willing ; wonderful love that he would come , but more wonderful was the manner of his coming; He that before made man a foule after the image ofGod , then made him(c:lf a body after ·the image of man. And thus we fee ho~ thll