Cl1ap.1 . Sect 6. Looki11g unto 1efus. Book.III. ' this Covenant excdls the former in every of tll~f~----- ~e&s. · . · 3· 1-iow doth God put the Law into our inward parts? I an· fwer, God puts the Law into our inward parts by enlivening, or qualifying of a man with the graces of Gods Spirit_, fuitabl e to his commandment; firft, there ts the Law of God Wtthout us, as we fee it,or read it in Scriptures, but when it is put within us, ' then God hath wrought an inward difpoGtion in our minds, that anfwers to that Law without us; for example, this· is the Law · without, thou/h<flt love the Lord thy qod with allthJ heart, and withal! thyfoul, and with all thy ftrength; to anfwerwhlch there D~u t ..6. f' is a promife , I will circumcife thy heart, and the heart ofthy feed, to love the Lord thy God with all thJ heart and with all thy foul; Deut.~o. ' now when this promif~ is fulfilled ; when God hath put the affe~ d:ioos and grace of love within our hearts, when the habit of love is within, anfwerable in all things to the command without. then is the Jaw put into our inward parts. Again, this is the law without , tho11 foalt feare the L ord , and k§ep hit ordinant'es, Deu•.1 J 4 and hit ft~ttutet , and hit commandments to do them , to anfwer Jer.J z.-40 which there is a promife, I will mak§ ~ cavm11nt with JOII, -dn'd I will not tHrne Away from you to do JOII good, but I will put my feare in your hearts , that yo11 foal! not depart from me; now when thispromife is accompli{bed , when God hath put the affed:ion a-nd grace of feare within our hearts, when the habit of fear is within , anfwerable to that command without, then is the Law put into our hearts. Surely this is mercy that God faith in his c-ovenant, I wi!(put my L.1w in th(ir inward parts; many a time a poore foul cries out, it is troubled with fuch, and fuch a loft • and he cannot keep this and that commandment , he cannot outwreftle fuch and fuch il:rong inclinations to evil , 0 but then go to God, and preffe him w1th this, L ord, it is A part ofthJ covenant, thou haft[.tid thou wilt · circumcift~ my .heart; tho11 haft [aid tho11 wilt put thy L":tV into my inward part!; th~u haft faid thou wilt JifJolve thefe luftt, Lord I befeech thee do it for thy covenant I [~tk!. -- But here's another qucllion. How may we know ·this inward work of grace, this Law in our inward parts?' tbe befl: way to fatisfie our doubts in this , is to looke within ; open we the doore , and clofet of our hearts, and fee what lies neareft, and clofeft there; that we fay is inti- ' B b mate I '