Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

, .Chap. x.Secr.) ---------------------~- the mind, lfee another L aw in my memhrs warring againfl theRom ,7.:~ law ofmy mind: Now what is this Law in the mind but a difpofition within , to keep in fome meafure every Commandment of the Law without?and this is the writing ofthe Law;(or if you wil) the copying,or tranfcribing of the Law within us. z, It is faid to be written, that it might be rooted and rivited in the heart , . as when leccers are engraven in marble; fo is the manner of Gods writiqg; if God write, it can never be obliterated,, or blotted out.; lecter-i in marhle are not ea!ily worn olit again, no more are the writings ofGods Spirit; fome indeed would have them as writings in duft : but if Pilate could fay , what I have writtel4, I have written, how much more may God!' Hence are all thofe promifes of perfeverance; my (oven~tnt j/Hlil ftandfaftwithhim. Pfai8.Q.28. and theroot oftherighteousfoall not be moved. Prov. 12.3 . and even to Jour old ttge I mn he; and even to hoare haires will I carry yon Ifa.46+ · I deny not bu~ men of glo~ious gifts may fall away, but furely the pooreft Chriftiao that hath but the fmalleft meafure of grace, he fball never fall a.. way; if the Law be written in our hearts, it frill remaines there1; grace habitual is not removeable ; fooner will the Sunne difcard its own be:tms,chen Chrift will-defert or deftroy the leaft meafure of true grace , which is a hearne from the Sunne .of rightc:- oufnefle. 3. It is faid to be written, that it might be as a thing legible to God ' to others, and our felves. I . To God , he writes rt that he may read it, and take notice ofit , he exceedingly delights himfelfin the graces of his own Spirit: and therefore the Spoufe afte~ this w,·iting , after the planting of his graces in her, fhe defires htm to come into his g~trden and eate his pleafant fruits · q .d. Come , read what thou hafr written; Come, and deligh~ c "' thy fclf i? the graces ~f~hy. own Spirit; ' th~ onely delight that anr.4 '1 God has mthe world ts mhts garden, a gracwus foule ; and that he might more delight in it, he makes it frlilitful, ahd thofefruits are. pr~cious f~uites; as growing from plants fet by his own hand, reltihmg ofhts own Spmt, and fo fitted for his own taft. 2. The Law is written that it might be legible to others. . Sopaul te:ls .the Corinthia.ns, yorJ are manifrftly decl~tred to be theEpiftJe of CtJrift : how mamfeftlydeclare<! ) why ,known and readofall we,. '- Cor••• ~,i~ /lswe are able ~o read k~ters gravet)in ftom~; fo may othgrs _rea,4 B b Z ' al)4