Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chlp.x.Sett.6. B·ookiH. God can fpeak experimentally of the truths it knowes :- I k!;ow _) whom I have belitved, faith Paul; I have experienced hisfaith- ~ Tilll. r.r 1., fulneffe and all.Jufficiency, I dare trufl: my all with him, I am fure he will keep it fafe to that day. .Common knowledge refls in generals, but they that are taught·ofGod can fa'y, as we-.bave beard, fo hav~ we fem, they can go along with every truth, and fay , it isfo indud, I have experienc't this and that word upcn mJ 6Wn he11rt. In this cafe the Scripture is the original, a.nd their heart is the coppy ofic , as yojl have heard; they can read over the promifes, and threatnirtgs, and fay probMHm eft. David in his Pfalmes; and Paul in hi5 Epiilles fpeakes their very hearts , and feds their very temptations,,and makes their very ~bjections : J h they can Jet tift heir feale that God is true, tht:y can folemnly de- 0 + H · clare by their lives and. converfations that God is true and faithful in his word and promifc:s. 4. God Eeacheth.fw~ecly and comfortably : thou haft taught~( me , faith <IJavid, and then it foilowes, how fvmt are t!!J wordi · 1 ~:.1''10%.; Hnto .mJ tllji? yea fweeter then the bony to my-mouth? he rolled the · word and promifes as fugar under his tongue , and fucked .from · thence more fweetneffe then Sllmpfon did from his honey~ comb· : . Luther faid , he woula not live in P aradift if he mu/1- live withoutc . b . · r 'd h . Y'. t.m vcr o 111 the ·Word; kut With the Word ( 131 e) I crmld ilve tn he~. When infirne facile. Chri{\ l:lUt h1s hand by the hole of the doore, to teach the heart , eft 11i ~•re • . her bcwe!S were movtd, <1nd then her finger's drop upon the handlesofLutb.4.Tem. , .thelockjweet [me/ling myrrhe , Cant. 5· 5· The teachings - of0P~rl4t· Chrill left fuch a bleffing upon the firil motions of the Spoufes heart, that with the very touch of them fhe isrefrefhed·, her fingers drop myrrhe, and her bowels are moved as the numents ofhis gracious teachings; So in {Pint. 1.3. Becaufe of the Can~.t.J ' favour of thy op •tmentJ, thy :l(ame is as an oyntment pouredfortb, therefore do the Virgins love thee. Chri({ in Ordinances doth u 0Ji[ary , open, a box ofointmentswhich ddfufeth a fpirituaJ favaur .- in Church-Affemblies, and this onely the fpiritual Chriftian feels. Cane, 4. u ... Hence the_Church is compared to aGarden fout up, a Fountaine je11led; Wtcked men are no.t able to drink . of her delicacies ., or fm~ll of her fwee~ne ffe; . a fpiritual S~rmon is afountain fealed up • . the fp~ntual adm•mfirat~on -of a Sacrament, is a garden indofed: . Somem~es 0 Lo:d t~o~ gweft meaflrange motiQn , or affection (failfl:Aug.l. 16o Auguftme) · wh1"b i[1t were bHI perfelhd in me, Icould not ima[jne Confe[., 4q., . .B b 3 . whfft