Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Ch1p.r.Sed.6. .Looking unto :fefos. Book Ill. to be taught in thefe fundamental points, for now· all know the Lord from the le~ ft to_the greateft; or elfe thefe words are an Hebraifm~, which deny poiitively , when they intend it onely comparative:y, or fecundum quid, as w!len God and me.n are compared together, man is v~nity, lighter then v~nit y, and ~- very nothing : here is acompanfon of knowl edge tn · ,ofpel-rmies the knowledge of Ifrael in thofe dark times when qod brougb.r them out of the land of Egypt; then all was dark, and they were faine to teach one another the very principles, the rudiments of Religion, there was ve(y lirtle effufton ofGods Spir:it ifl thofe times; but in GofPel-times (faith the Prophet) the Spirit of grace 11nd k._now/edge fba(l· be fo abundant, that rather God himfl Lf jh11LL be the teacher, than one man foall teach Another. There fhall be fuch exuberamcy a-nd feas of knowledge ·ander the new Covenant, abeve the Covenant made with his .I6i pJ!~ljiil when he b_ro.ugl,1 t them oHt of., tha.ti men. ihall not .nee<IJ E_O te~ll.h onll;;a>t'IO~heli companatively, for all fha~l know-the · Lor<il!who 3.r~ ta.ugpt of God from t·hdeaft td thq greateft : an , higb w'a,y /h.<ll b.e·, a.nd it /hall he calLed the way of holi-·I[a . 3 sol~ · nijf~ --~ke w,' men,, though foo/es-<, fhall not errc. f/J,Qnt<in. .. .7:. f.{0w- is God to f~rgive iniquit.y., ·and ne.vcr. more to · reri!ember fin ? - FQr the fi~ft, G0Q is faid t:oforjJve ini<Juity1when g.uilt {)f fin is t~en awl\y, aad foJ' the fecond, . Go.d is- faid:-never more to remempp (i'n;ne, ifjl tbe ftnner after,pardoa is-never more looked.on a~ a !in.ner. l$ not t~is .the Co\\enan.l:' ?t q. d; I. wi-1:1 remove thy ftns,and do them away, as if the:y,had·never beeri:; I·will blot the-m out of th_e bQokof rn:y memory, I wilt:ohlitcu:ate the w.titing that none lhall be ali> I~ to read it. But~you will fay, ifftnne: remain itil in; the rcg~0erate,how are they fcr-fo 11given .as-to be remembre<l nq mo.~;e? · Divin~s - tell us of.two ·things in e.very frnne, there is mt~fUJtif & · reat144 : th,e filth and g_u,iJt, , th\s g.uilt fome a.. gaine difiinguifh into th'e guilt of Gnne; which they call : rhe~ in-- ward dig~ity .and defert of darpn~tion;· and . the guilt of punifh·· tl}cmt, whtch ts the actual ordtOatton of a ftnner. ti~to damnation•. Now in different refped:s we fay~ that iinne remain~$- fhll in be.~ ~~ever'$; and ftnn~do ~h ~ot: ' remaine im l:i'el~evers-, Eir,tl~ · if. we · ~p~lq>f tbeJiJ~h of finn~, .or ofthedefeit~ of damn11,tio.ri r,Jo i't: re:::-