Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

.I!/7. Book. Ill. ' Chap. t. Seet.6 LeY.l6.u. Dcut,33•10· ,__ .. _ -----~----- remainesll:i\1; but' if we fpeak of the actual obligation ofa finncr to condemnttion, fo it remaines not after -pardon, but the {inner is as free as if he had never finned. But you will fay, is not the filth of finnc: done away when fin itremitced? I anfwer, the filth of fin is not 'done away by remiffion, but by fanctificacion and renovation ; and becaufe in this life we h~ve not a perfect inherent holinefs ( fanctification at bell: being but imperfect and wrought in us by degrees) therefore during this life there is fomething of the filch of fin, and efpccially of the effects of original fin , !licking and frill cleaving to us. But here is oer comforr, and herein lies the fweet of the promife, that when God hath• pardoned fin , he takes away the guilt as to condemnation; he acquits the·6nner of that obligation; he now lookes upon him not a~ a finner, but as a jufi man; and fo in this fenie he will forgive , and never more remember his fin. Ah Cbrill:ians ! take heed oftheir doctrine who would have ju!l:ificarion an ab~lition offin in it's real effenfe, and phyfical in-dwelling; let us rather fay with Scripture, that al~ the juftified Saints muft take down their Top-Sail , and go to hea:vert halting , and that they carry their bolts and fetters otindwelling finne throngh the field offree.grace.even to the gates of glory: Chrifi daily wafhing and we daily defiling,to the end that grace may be grace;' 1 have runne through all the manifeftations of the Covenant ofgrace, as we have them difcovered in the Old Tefta· ment:And yet that we mly fee the better how thefe things concern us;I fhall only propo1.1nd thefe two Qyeres more, and then we havt! done. r. Whether is the Covenant ofgrace the fame for fubilance in all ages of the world ? we anfwer,yea , the fathers before Chnft had not one Covenant, and we another, but the fame Covenant ofgrace belongs to us both. This appeares in that firft they had the fame promife; fecondJy, they ha:d it upon the fame grounds. , I. They l1ad the fame promife, as ,I will beyour God, and ;ou fbal/ be my reop!e. Awd happJ art thou 0 Ifrarl, Javed b; the Lord; and,the L ord is our King and he -will{ave us. They had 't'lOt ondy t-he hopes ofan earthly inheritance in Ctma6ln (as fome . fondly imagine) .but ofaolleavenly inperitance in the Kingdome of