C hap.l ·. S.eCl: .6. 19J of God and to this purpofe our Saviour fpeakes exprelfely, many foalt come fr om the E aft , an~ Weft'· cmd jhal~ fit If a. 33.u. down with Abrahf! m , Ifaac , and {acob tn ~he Kmgdomr: of hea- Mat .8.1I vm. · 2 . As they had the fame promife,fo they had it upon the fame ground tha~ we h~ve, even by f~it? in Cbrift Jefus, Abrahamfaw my day, fatd Chrdl; and {hrifl f.S t he(ame yefterday, and to d4) 1ob.R. ;6 andfor ever: he is the fame not .one[y m regard 'of eife?ce., but Heh. I3· 8 • alfo in regard of the efficacy o~ hts o~~e, from the begmmng to Atl.t . n . the end of the world. We beli eve (!atd Peter) that through the Heb 4~ 7. graceof the Lord 'fefus Chrift we fo al! b~faved even as they; and · · • unto us was the Go[pel preached (faith Paul) at unto them. Some may think they had no Gofpel , but onely the Law before chrift; but what fay you? have we not obferved a thread of the Gofpel and of the Covenant of grace, to runne through all the Old Teframent ; from firft to !aft? And how plain is the Apofl:le ,for this caufe alfo was theG9fp d pr~ached alfo ~o them,that are dead? Dead long fince,for he fpeakes of them w~o lived in the I Pet,4· 6 dayes of Noah• . Nay the ApofHe to the Hebrewes gives usa Catalogue ofOld Teft <~.ment believers , by fa i-t h Abeloffered up Heb.t1.4; unto qoJ. a more exallent {acrifice then Cain. - - .-- lfy faith >• E noch was tranflated, tiNt hejh;uld not fee dea'th. - By faith 7 ' N0ahbeingwarnedofGod prepa;·ed an Ark.: -· 'By faith Abrllham when hejwas ctfl!hd to go into a place which he jhould afrer receive for an i;1heritanr:e, cbqed , and /;e went out , not knowing whither· . he went . --Thefe all dyed in faith not having received the pro- . mifes, but having (een them afar offand were perfivadedof them,and embraced them. Bef1des t.hefe, he reckons up the faith of .Abr.tham, and Jfaac , and 'facob, and {oftph , and UJ;[ojes, and Rahab, and qidevn, and Barak_, and Samp(on, and 'fephtah , and David, and Sarrmel, and ofall the Prophets, who through faith did marv~ilous things as it there appeares. Surely they had t~ fame doet:nne ofgrace as we have· it is the very fame for fubftance without any difference. ' - 2. Wherein is the difference then betwixt the Old and New Teftament , or betwixt the old and new mannet: of the difpenfation ofthe Covenant of grace? . . They ~re one for fu?il:a?ce , but in regard o(the manner of dtfpenfatwn and revealtng mthe fevera l times , ages, ftates, and C c cons.