Book III. Chap. I.Sect. 6 - ---------~-------- -.onditionsofthe Chur€h, there is a difference. I 1hall reduce all to thefe particulars : they are difi:inguifued.-- I In·the ebje8: : in the old adminiilration Chrifi: was pro. mifed,but in'the new Covenant Chrift is exhibited; it was meet the promife !hould go bef9xe the Gofpel , and be fulfilled in the Gofpel,that {o a great good might earne£Hy be defired before it was beftowed. 2. In the federates; under the old difpenfation they are c-ompared to an heire underage,needing a Gardian,Tutor, or Schoolmafier , little differing from a fervant; but in the new Teftament they are compar~d co an heire come to ripe yeares,[ee Ga/.4.1,2, 3,4,5,6,J. 3-· In,the manner oftlteir worthip, in the Old Tefiamentthey were held under the Ceremonial Law, and Oh what an heap of Ceremonies, Rites, Figures and Shadowes did they ufe in their worilii p ; certainly thefe declared the infancy and nonage of the Jewes, who being not capableof the high myfierics ofthe Got: pel , they were taught by their eyes as well as their eares : thcfe Ceremonies were as rudiments, and introdu8iom fitted to the groffe and weak fenfes of-that Church, who were to be bronght 'on by little and little, through fuch lhadowts and figures, to.· the-true image, and thing lignified, But in the new Covenant or Teframent, our woriliip is more fpiritual : our Saviour hath told us, that as q od iJa Spirit, fo the; that WG·rjhiphimmufl werJ'9ll·~~f',14• jhip.him in Spirit lfnd trHth. The houre cometh, and nowliJ (faith Chrift) whm the true worjhippm fhaU worjhip the father in S-piri-t , And in truth, for the Father foek[th /Mh to_worjhip him.. , 4· In-the burther. ofCeremonies : Peter cal'ls the Ceremonies Jrtl.I po ofold, a.y011k! which neither_our fathlr! nor we (fait~ he }were a6!t to be are. And no wonder, 1f we conhder, I. The burthen of their cofily facrifices; if anybad but touched an unclean thing, he mufi come and ofler a facrifi~e, as fometimes a bullock, and fometimes a lamb ; yon that think every thing too much for a miniil;er ofChrifi:, iffor every offence you were to offer fuch facrifice.snow, youwould count it an heavy burthen indeed . z. They had long~nd tedious journeies to leru{tt!em , the land lay more in length then bredth , and JerPJfalem ftood almoft at one f41Q and.thitbe( thrit'e It yrare nil the ?rh!l~J were to go and 11p· pw: