Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Bcok.III. ., Looking unto 1tfus. Chap. 1. Sect 6 -- -~----~----------------- 2. Cor,3 .1 S. ...... times of Chr_ift .' who was . firft to receive the .Spirit a~ove_ meafure m h1s humane nature,and thence to derive grace to hts Saints . 6 . J n the darkneffe ofthat a~mini!tration ofold, Chriil: was but 11w!owed out to the fathe rsm types, and figures, and dark pro phefies, but now we fee ~im wirh ~penface. Obferve the diffe rence in reference to the perfon ofChrift; and to the offices ofChrift;, and to the benefits that come by Chriil:. 1. Concerni ng the perfon of Chrift; it W'jS revealed to them that he fhould beGod, I[u.9 :6. And fhat he Alould be man, Ifa, 9 .6 . · The fame verfe fpeakes of ·a child that ts ho;n , and of amighty God. But how he iliou!d be God and man m one perfon it was veryQark!y revealed. 2. Concerning the offices ofChrift his , Mediatorfhip was typed out by M of es , his Prieft- hood was typed out by Melchiz.adech among the Canaanites, and Aaron among the Jewes; his prophetical office was typed out by..Noah a Preacher ofrighteoufneffe; h,is Kingly officewas. typed our by David. bur liow dark thefe things were unto them we may gue{fe by th~ Apoftles, who knew not that he fhould dye, who dreamed of ' an earthly Kingdorne; and till the Holy Ghoil: came, were ignorant of many .things pertaining· to the Kingdome ofGod; ; . Concerning the benefits.rhat come by Chrift, ·Jufiification was fignific:d by th~ fprinkling ofblood ; ~nd f~m'l: ificati?n by the water of purificatiOn ; heavc:n "and glonficatton by thetr land flow- _ ing with' oyle , e live and honey : Thus the Lord fhewed the Jewesthefe principal my_il:eries,not in themfelves, but in types and fhadowes, as theyw.ere·able to fee them from day to day : :Sot in the newCovenant Chriil: is offered to he feen in a fuller wew : tb'e trutli , and fu bfrance , and body of the things themfelves is now exhibited : Chrift is dearely revealed .without any type at all to be our wifdome, righteoufnefje, f anC1ification,_ ani redemptien , . -, . . ' . . . 7, ·I n the number of them that partake of the eovenant ; at. firft the coveriant was included in _the families of the patriarkes , and thenwithin the confines of 'fudea, but now is the partition wall betwixt Jew and Gentile broken downe, and the covenant of grace is made with all ·nations. Hr is the Godof the Gentiles alfo, and not cf the 'f~ wes. onely. Chriftians ! hc:re comes in our pappineffe ; Ohhow ~hankful fhould. what ? that of~~