Chap.z.Sect, I. _ Lo~kingunto 1-efns. Book III. fathers for many hundreds and thoufands of yeares together {hould !it in darkneffe, and that we fuould partake ofthrs grace? what ? that we that were dogs before, lhould now be fer at the _childrens 'table? the very Jews themfelves hearing of this,are faid _ toglorifie God. When they head thefe things they held their peace ACt 8 ' andglorijird G_od,faying, t hen ~ath God •l ({o t~ the Gentiles .'!,ranted 1 1 '_ 1 ' repentance unto lifeJfthey pra1fed God i?r ~t , how much more fuould we do 1t our [elves ? but of that hereafter. I have now propounded the ob.ject we are to look._ unte; it is JefiJs as held forth in a way of promife , or Covenant ; in that dark time trom the Creation, till his firft coming in the flefh ; our n~xt bufineffe is to direct yo~ in the art or myfl:ery 'ofgrace,how you are to look., to him ia- this refpett. · ~~iF~~It5i5t,Giittt5~i~ CHAP. II. S,E .C T: r. of knowing Iefus a-s carrying en thegreat work ef our fat· · rvation from the Creation tmtit his ftrfl comi1tg. Ookjng compr~ends ~owing, conjderi'nt;, defiring . &c. as you have heard;and accordingly that we ·may pradife1 . 1. We muft know {efm t:arrying on the ~ , ,.. great work ofour falvation in the beginning . t%$1~ and from the beginning of the world ; Come , let us learn what he did for us fo early , in the morning of this world; He made it for us, and he made us more efpecially for his own glory; but prefently after we were made , we finned and marred the image wherein God made us; this was the faddell: act that ever was; it was the undoing of man, and(without the mercy of God) the damning ofall fouls both of men and wo:.. , men to all eternity ; and, 0 my foul, ftnow this for thy felj, thou waft in the Joynes of Adam at that fame time, fo that what" be did, thou·didft; thou waft partaker of hisfinnes,and thou waft to partake'with· him in"his punilhment; But well mayeft · thou C ~ 3 ' fay ,,