J98 Col,u6 Book III. Chap.2Se~.2 fay, bleffedbeGodfor'fefutChrift; at thevery inllant when all fhould have been damned , Chrill intervened; a Covenant of grace is made with man, and Chrill is the foundation , in and through whom we mull be reconciled unto God: Come foul .and ftudy this Covenant ofgrace in reference to thy felf, had .not this been, where hadft thou been ? nay , where had all the world been at this day? furely it concernes thee to take notice of this great tranfat\:ion. After man had fallen by Linne, ChriiA: is promifed; and that all theSaints might partakeofChrift a Covenant is cntred; this at the beginning of the world was m~re dim,but the nearer to Chrifis coming in the flefh, the more and m9re clearly it appeared:Howfoever dimly,or clearly;thus itpleafed God in Chrift to carry on the great work ofour falvation at that time, vi~. by a promiieo~Chrifi, & by aCovenant inChriil:, & for thy better knowledg of1t,ftudy the promifc made to Adam and Abraham, and Mofes, and Dav;d, and lfrael. Come foul' ftudy thefe feveral breakings out of the Covenant of grace . it is worth thy pains, it is a myftery which hath been hid fro/n ages,and from generations, b~tt now.U made manifefl to the Saints, Here lies the firft and moft firme foundation ofa Chriftians comfort; if thou canft but ftudy this, and alfure thy felf of thy part in this, thou art blelfed for ever ; 0 how incomparably fweet and fatisfying is it to a felf-fiudying Chriftian,to know the faithful engagements of the Almighty God,through that Sonne ofhis loves, in a Covenant ofgrace? -------------·----- SECT. II. of con.fidering Ie[m in thaJ refper-1. 2. w E muft confider 'fefut carrying on the great work of · our falvation in that dark time; it is not enough to · ftudy it, and know it, but we muft feriou!ly mufe, and mediate, , and ponder, and conGder of it, till we bring it to fome profitable i1fue : This is the confideration I me~~n, when we hold our thoughts to this or that fpiritual fubjeCl:,till we perceive fucce!fe, and the work do thFive and profper in our hands~ Now to help us in this--::. r I . Con-