Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap.z.SeCl:.z. Book 1Il. 1 .Conuder 'jefm in that firft promife made to man; It /ht~l ln-nift thy head,&thoHjbalt bruife his heel. When all men were under guilt Gcn.;.lf . offin,and in the power ofSatan,and when thou my foul,were in as bad a cafe as any other, then to hear the found of this glad-tydings, then_to hear ofJe[m, a Saviour,& redeemer, fure this was welcom news!Come,draw the cafe neerer to tby felf,thou waft in . Adams loyns,fuppofe thou hadfi been in Adams ll:ead; fuppofe Gen 3· S thou hadfr heard rhe flo ice of theLordwalking in the gardm;fuppofe thou hadft heard him call, Adam where art thou? Peter, Andrew, 9· Thomas, where art thou? what? haft thou eaten of rhr tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou /bouldft not ear? why then ap- I r~ · pear and come to judgemcnt,tbe Law is irrecovable, in the daJ . _ that tho~teateft thereof, thou /!111/t jurely die; there is nothing to pen. 1 • 11· be lookell for but death ternporal, and death fpiritual , and death ' eternal; 0 what a fearful -condition is this ? no f~oncr to come into the world, but prcfently to be turned over mto hell? for · ooe day to be Monarch ofthe world , and ofall creatures in the · world and the very next. day to be the flave ofSatan, and to , be bou~d hand and foot in a darkfome dungeon ? for a few hours ' to live in Eden , to enjoy every tree in the garden, pled[ant to the - jig~t, Andgood for food, and then tO enter in{o. the confine~ of ete~- nitte, and ever, ever, ever to be tormented wtth the Devtl and hts -: Angel~? It's no wo:-~ der if Adam hid himfelf from the pre- Gen.3 8: fmce of the LQrdGotlflmongft :he tmpf thegarden: 0 my foul . in that cafe thou wouldll: have cried to the rocks and . to · the · mountaines,fa/l on me, and hide mefrom theface ofhim thatfttteth R.ev.6'.t6•1'17 on the throne If God be angry, who may abide it? when the great da7 of his wrath i4 come , who /hall be able to ftand .? and yet defpaire not , cheer up 0 my foul ; for in tl)e very midft of wrath God is pleafed to remember mercy; even now when . all the world fhould have been· damned; a Jeflis is proclaimed . and promifed; and he it is that mull: die according •to the com~ . mination, for he is our furety ; and he it is that by death muft .overco:ne death and the devil, It foal! bruife thy jeed, faid God ! to Satan, q. d. Come llatan, thou haft taken ten thou- . fands cf fouls; Ad,zm and Eve are now er.fnared, and in their : Joines all the men and women that ever £hall be from· this begin- . ning of the world to the end thereof; now is thy day ofcrium p~~·. now thou keepell: holy~day in hell; but thou O~alt not carr,rt it thu§.,