Book. III. ·Looking unto 1efttS: Chap. z. S~ct. 2. ---·- ., -l---~------ thus, I forefaw from all eternity what thou haft done; I knew thou wouldft d1g .an hole through the comely and beautiful frame of the Creation; but 1 have decreed of old a counteryvork·, out of the feed of the woman ihall'fpring a branch, and he fhall bruife thy head, he !hall break thy power , he !hall tread thy dominion under foot, he ihalllead thy captivity captive he fhall take away finne, hdhall paint out to men and Angels 'the .gio'ry of heaven, and a new world of free grace; in this promife, 0 my foul , is foulded and wrapped up thy hope, thy heaven, thy falvatioll; aad therefore confider of it' turn it upfi de down, )o,ok on all fides ofit, Yiew it over and over: there's a 'fefm in it; it is a fie ld that colltains in the bowels of it a· precious treafure;. there's in it a Saviour, a Redeemer, a Deliverer from fin , death , and hell ; arc not thefe dainties to feed upon? are not thefe rariHes to dwell on in our meditations ? Gen17 .7· Rom.4. 11. Ga1.;.7. 2. ConGder 'fe[us in that next promife made to Abraham; I :will effablifh my covenant betweene me and thee' and thy feed lifter thee in their generations foz an everlafling covenant; to be a God to thee ; and to thy feed after thee; in refpect of this covenant Abraham is called the father of thefaithfu!!; and they which are of , .the faith, are called the children of eAbraham : and 0 my foul, if thou art in covenant with God , furely thou doft by faith draw it til rough Abraham, to whom thispromife was made; · for if ye be Chrifls, then are ye eAbrahamsfeed, and heires according to thepromife; Confider, what a mercy is this , that God iliould enter into a cqvenant with thee in the loines of Abraham ? God makes a promife of Chrift , and jnclufively a cov~nant of grace in his comforting Adam , but he makes a covenant expreffely under the name of covenant , with Abraham and his feed ; 0 mufe and be amazed! what? that the great and glortous God ofhe;ven and eart h ihould be willing to enter into a covenant ; that is to lay , that he fhould be willing to indent with us , that he fllould be willing to make him!elfa debtor to us? 0 my foul; t hink of it ferioufly; he is in heaven,and thou art on earth; ·!Jcis the Crdtour, and thou art his creatur-e ; a!J ;;·h.u art thou ! or ~-.hat is thy fllthFrs houfe, that rhou fhou!dsf be- raifed up hithmo? The very coven,mt is a wonder , as it relates to God and us , what: is ir but a compaCt,an agreement, a tying , a binding of God and u;? when {ehofhPphat and Ahab were in covenant , fee . ~w