------------~----------~-~--~~--~· ·- Chap.l.Sea.! L~oking tll'JtO 1ef114. Book l n 203 there is no content in the enjoyment of all: it was the Apoftles cafe ; .ts having not~ing, t:ndpt pr-j{eJ!ing nil things : Surely he Jj. 1 Cor,6 . JO, ved to God, and enJoyed God, and he was an all-fufficient good unto him: God rna ,, be enjoyed in any condtrion, in tl1e meanefi: as well as the grcateft, in the poorefl: as well as richell: ; God will go into a wilderneffe,into a prifon with h:sfceople, and there he will make up all that they arc cut ihort of, thy difcontents therefore arife not fom the want of outward meanes, but from want ofinward fellowihip with God ; if thou dofl: not find a fufficiency, it is becaufe thou doft not enjoy him who is thy allfufficient good; 0 ftirre up faith , and confider the covenant, t. think ferioufly on this promife, I am God alf-[,jficient I am the Lcrd thy Cjod. 2. Here is the propriety ofSaints,the Lord ih] God. 0 what is this, that God is tJ,y G&d? heaven and earth , Angels and men, may Jhnd afl:oniihed at it , wl11t ? that the Great and Mighty God , God Almighty , and God All-fufficient fhould be called thy God? it is obfervable what theApoftles fpeakes, God is not a~ H, b . foamed to be called thrir God: W9uld not a Prince be afhamed to - c ,III f', take a Beggar .a Runnagate, a bafe and adulterous woman to be his wife! but ·we are worle then fo, and God is better then fo; ftnne harh made us worfe then the woril: ofwomen, and God is better, holier , higher then the beftofPrinces ; and yet God is not afhamed to own us, nor aihamed that we own him as our own , 1 am thy God. It is as if the Lord ihould fay, ure me; and all my power, · grace , mercy, kindnelfe , ·as thir.Je own ; go through all my attributes; confider ~ my Almighty power ; conGder my wifdome , co"Jnfel , underO:anding; conflder my ' goodneffe, truth , fa ithfuineffe; conflder my patien~e, long~ fuffering, forbearance; all thefe are thine; as thus, my power is thine, to work all thy works for thee and in thee,to make pa!fage for thee in all thy O:raits,to deliver thee out of fix troubleSJ & out of feaven; my wifdome is thine,to counfel thee in any indifficult cafes, to infrru~ thee in· things that be obfcure, to reveal!; ro ' thee the myfrcnes ofgrace , and the wonderful things contaim;d in my Law ; my J uftice is thine to deliver thee when thou,art oppreffed, to defend thee in thy innocency, and to vindicate thee .from the injuries ofmen ; what needes more? 0 my foul' think ofthefe, and all other Gods amibutes; fay in thy felf .. ttl theft D d 2 Are