Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Cbap.2. Sect:1. ttre mine ; nay more , think ofGod in Chrift (for otherwife what hall thou to do with God in a covenant of grace?) and fay in thy heart, Jefus Chrifr is mine; my Saviour , my Redeemer ·my Head, my Elder brother; his doings are mine, · and his fuf~ ferings are mine; his life, and his death, his refurreCI:ion and afcencion , his ceilion and interceffion ; all are mine; nay,more if Chrifi be mine, why then all good things are mine in Chrift . l fay in Chrift;for they come not immediately , but through th~ ·hands of a fweet Redeemer,and though he be a man who redeemed us , yet beoufe he is God as well as man, there is more of God and heaven , and free-Jove, in all our good things then if we received them immediately from God; Ravens hav~ their 4 food , and dtvels have their being f~om God by creature-right , b~t we have a!~ we have fro:n <?od m c_hrift by C?ve_n:rnt-right ; thts furely, tins very promtfe ts the mam, and prtnctpal promife of the Covenant; it is the very fubftance, foule and life of all : 0 then how careful fhould£1: thou be to emprove the ftrength of thy mind, thoJJghts , and affections on this onely fubjcd:! - . 4· Confider {ejiJS in that promife made to David, he hath ~ SanMz-5, . maJe with me an everl~jfil1g Cvvennnt, ordered ·1:n ~II thi~g;s and - Jure. r. An ever!aftmg (ovNJant, confider thts m the tnternal · efficacy , and not in the outward adrniniftration ; it is Chrill: that hath built and prepared a Kingdome that fhal! never fade · a fpiritual and an heavenly Ki~gdome which fhall never ceafe : and as he hath prepared tt, fo tf thou beleeveft he hath entn:d into a Covenant with thy foule to befiow it on thee; it is an everlall:ing Covenant,and he will give theeeverlafting life. 2. It is ordered in all things; the Covenant of gra(e is fo marfhalled and ordered , that it fiands at bell: advantage to receive and to repel all.r-hy objeCI:ions :many and many an objeCI:ion haft thou raifed, how often have fuch thoughts bee~ in thee, Oh I am mijfr116fe , J p1atl not live 6ut dye, my finnes'wtll dami'J me,. I ~m loft for ever? And agai'n, ifGNl hath mttde with me a Covenant, why then I have fomethingto dQ on my part, for this is-ofthe naturt- of the Covm.1nt to bind on bof.h rarts ; 6ut alas 1 have faild ,. I Crln d~ nothing ,I can as well dif{dve a roc/zas mv.k! rr. J heart of /ltne an heart of jlt,/h , I can liS well rraoh heaven with a finger, as faJ hold m Chrijf 6y the J:and off"ith ? havenot fucb arguings as thefe been many,;tnd manY.