chap,z.Sect,z. LopkingunttJ j.efns. Book III. ny a time in thy heart ? 0 confider how the covenant is ordered ' and martballed in refpeC!: of the Authour of it, ot the perfons inrerdled in it of the parts of which it confifls, of the end and aime ·to wl;ich it refers; and in fome of thefe,if not in all of thefe thou wilt fin de thy objeC!:ions anfwcred, removed, rowred. 3 . It is Jure, God is not fafl an~ loofe i? his covenants,. heaven and e<>rth' iball palfe away, before one JOt or tittle of l11S VVord flull faile . confider 0 my foul, he both can and will perform his VVord; 'his power, his love, his faithfulnelfe, his conftancie, all fiand engaged. What fweet matter is here for a foul to dwell upon.< what needs it to go out to other objects, whiles it may fin de enough here ? but efpecially what needs i~ to befrow it felf upon vaine things ? 0, that fo much precwus fand of our thoughts tbould run out after finne, and fo little after grace, or after this covenant ofgrace ! . S· Confider JefuJ in that new covenant, or promife w!iicli God made with Jfrael and 'fudah;l will put my law into their inward · . part!, and write it in their hettrtJ,& I will be th~ir God, and they jhai!Jer.p ·H' 34, , be my people, and they /hall teach no more every man his 6rother, find every man his neighbour, faying, kz'iow the Lord, for they /ball all k,now me from rhe leaft Of them to the greateft of them,[aith the Lord; for !will forgive their iniquitie, and I will remember their (ins no more. Oh what an errour is it, that ther's no inherent righte• oufnelfe in the Saints,that ther's no grace in the foul ofa believer, but only in Chtifi: ! is not this ~he ordinary Scripture phrafe, I wilt put my Spirit within jou: and the water that I foal/ give you, E zck. ~6. 17 jh11li be inyou aWe!/ ofwater fpringing up inta everla(iing life:and th'e John 4· 14. ~tnointing which you have received of him abideth in you: and {hrift ~Jyhn :. 17 · · inyou the h6pe of t;lory! obferve how the Spirit ~f the living E~ti/ i .~;·~; . creatures .waJ in the wheelJ, fo that when the Spirit went, they went, and when the Spirit was lifted up , they were lifted up. even fo i~ the Spiri~ of ~hri£1: in the Saints, acting, and guiding_: . a?d frammg,.and. dtfpofiwgthem r_o ~o~e and w~lk according to rushws. T heKmgdomeofheavenuwtthrnyou fatthChrifr. andL k · -· I delit,htto do th) will 0 my.God, (faith David) ye:; thy law is pf~!.~1?, :;~1 1¥ithin my heart. 0 my foul, if thou art in covenant with God · bdldes the in:d~elling ofthe· Sp~rit, there is a certaine fpiritu;l power, or prmctple of grace, whtch Chrill: by his Spirit hatli put into thy heart, .enabling thee in fome meafure to move thy felf D d 3 towards,