Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

.. 2.06 Book III. Chap.2.Sed:.1 towards God. And this principle is fometimes called a new life .Rom. 6 , 4 · Sometimes a living with Chrift, Rom. 6. 8. Some: t tmes a being alive to God, Rom. 6. I I. Sometimes a revealing of his Sonne in man, Gal. I. 1 5. And (ometimes a prttting of the La~ into ottr inward part>, and a writing of the L aw within the heart, Jer. 3 I . 33. 0 confider of this inward principle, it is an excellent fubjetl: worthy ofthy confideration! 2. I wilt be their God, and they fhall be my people; confider God effentially, and perfonally, God the Father, God the Sonne, and God the Holy Ghoft; God in himfelf, and God in his creatures: this very promife turns over heaven~ and eanh,and fea , and land and bread, and cloathes, and fieep, and the world, and life, and death, into free grace. No wonder ifGod fet this promife in the midft of ~he c~venant, as the hear~ in the ~idft of the body, to commumcate ltfe to all the reft, thts promtfe hath an influence . into all other promifes , it is the..great promife of the new covenant, it is as great as God is, though the heavens and the heaven of heavens be not able to containe him; yet this promife containes him, God fhuts up himfelf ( as it were) in it. I will be their God. 2. they foal! be my pegpfe (i.) They fhall be to me a peculiar people. Tit. 2. I4· The word hath thisemphafis in it that God looks upon all other things as accidents in cornparifo~, and his' fubfta1_1ce is his people; they are his very portion, for the Deur. 31. 9· Lords portion i1 his rople, Jacobisthe lut if his inhe1-itanee. They are his treafure,h!s peculiar treafure,his peculiar treafure above all Exod. 1·9· 5· people; ifye will cbey mJvoiaindeed, and k.!ep my covenant then ye jha/1 be a peculiar tret~fure unto me .tnd above ali people,for all the e~rth is mine; obferve 0 my foul, all the earth is mine. q. d. all people is my people, but I have a fpecial l intereft in my cove. nanted people, they only are my portion, my peculiar treafure. Jfa. 19. 18. Blef[ed be Egypt my people,Affyria the work of my hands; and I(rae! mine inheritance. I have made all people ; EgJpt, and Ajfyri,;, and allthe worldismine,butonly Ifraelismy inheritance; the faints are thofe that God, · fatisfies bimfelfin ; the faints are thofe that God hath fet his heart upon; Fheyare chtldren of the high Cod, they are the Spoufe that are married to the Lamb; they are neerer G' od in fome refpetl:s then the very Angels thernfelves, for the Angels are not in amyfiical union fo married to Chrifr as Gods peopfe are. Oh the happinefle offaints! I will be theirr;Jod; -And thC) flutl/ bc ·m] people. 3. . Thty