Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap.z.Secb. L~oking unto 1efos. Book nr. 3. They foal/ tea~h no more every man his nei[;hbcur, and every rn:m his brother, foymg, k..,now the L?rd,forrhey /hall all k__n9w me from the leaf! of them, to the great eft ofthe"! faith the Lor~; confider ofthis! Oh poore foul, thou complameJl: many a ttnieof thy weaknes thou knowdl-little or nothing: why,fee here a glorious promife,' if thou art but in coverant with God, thou !halt be taught of God, and then thou fhalt know God far more clearly theri the Jewes ofold, he will open to thee all his treafures of wifdome and knowledge, he will beftow on thee a greater meafure of his Spirit, fa that out of thy belly /hall flow rivers of living waters. John 7· 38, we fay a good tutor may teach more in a day then another in a week or a moneth ;naw the promiferuns thus, that all thy child- l(a. 54· 13 . ren fo4iL be taught of God; not that private inJl:rudion, or publike - miniftry muft be excluded, we know thefe are appointed under the New Teftament, and are fubordinate te the Spirits teaching; but that the teachings ofGod do far furpaffe the teachiugs ofmem,and therefore the knowledge of God under the New TeJl:ament !hall far furpaffe that under the old : herein appears the excellency of. ChriJl:s Prophetical office_, He u fuch a Prophtt as enlightens John 1 • 9 , B ; . every man within, that comes into the world: He u fnch a Prophet as bapti:>:.eth with the holy G hoft and with ~re : He is fuch a Propaet as makes mens hearts to burne within them, Luk. 2.4, 3!• w_hften ·he GJPeaks unhto ~?em :_ he is fudch 1 a ~ropbhet ~sh bids his Mi- Mtt, :s. 1 ,, 10 , nt ers, o, teac au nattO!!_J, an 1:r>~/l e wtt you; and I will mak.§ JOU able Minifters, not of rhe letter, 11~tt, of the Spirit: He is fuch a Prophet as.teacheth inwardly, . clearly, uperimentally, and fweetly: no man in the world can fay this, or do · this, but Jefus Chrift, the great Prophet of the Church, whom God hath raifed up like unto Mofes, .or far above <.Mofes · 0 my / foul con!ider if thou art thustaught ofGod. ' , 4· I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their Rom, 4 7' ' fins no more. Confider of this ·! 13/ef[ed ure they whofo iniqui- · ties areforgiven , and whofe fins .a~e covered. Confider 0 my foul, _ fuppofe thy cafe, and tny condltton thus : As thou liveft ·under · Iawes of man, fo for ,the tranfgre1lion of thofe Iawes thou art called to account ; the Judge weighs, and gives a.n . impartial - and juft judgment, he doornes thee to the axe, or rack,.or wheele· and becaufe of the aggravation of ,thy crime he commands , the~ . to be tortured leafur~l y , .that bones 1 , fi~newes } Ji'ghts,' , j(,)ynts . mig~t ~