Lovkin~ tmto '}e)1s. BJok I! I. God fvrgiv erm ? but now con!lder (if thy heart be humbled) - the Lord will do it.- ' 2.09 . I. Becaufe he delighteth in m~rcy, it is a pleafure to God to Micah,7 ,1g, forgive linnes; never did we take more pleafure., nor fo much • pleafure in ading and committing of!lnne, as he doth in the par- · C doning of!lnne; he is the Father of mercie.r: he delights in m~r- : or. r.; . cy as a father in his children; it doth him good to fee the fruits .ofhis own mercy , in taking away the linnes of his own peo· ple~ .Becaufe it is his p.urpof!! which he hath purpofed within himfelffrom all eternity; this was the great d.eGgne ofGod (as you have heard) to make his grace glorious in thofe whom he intends to fave, he will have the pr.tife of the gltry of his gr.tce : he will Epl·ef.r "· not lofe his glory: he will be admirrdin his Saints; be will make:. Thef. l, l()• the world to wonder, when it !hall be known what finne hath beencommicted by them, and pardoned by him. And hence .it is that Gods_people are called velfels of mercy , that he might make k.._nown the riches ofhi.- glory tn the veJfds of mercy; for,as Rom.9·' i· vefl'els are , or may be filled up to the brims , fo the velfels of . , mercy , fball be filled with mercy up to the brim, that the riches. of his glory in the pardon of(in may be feen , and known to the wonder of all the world . 3 , Becaufe it is his nature and inclination to pardon Iinne ; this appears , I In the proclaiming of his Nam~ , the L ord, the L ord, merciful , and gracious, /ong-/t~Jfering , and abundant E d 6 in gt odnef[umd truth, k!eping mercy for thoufands , forgiv ing i- xo ·H ' niquity and tranfgre(Jhn andfinn e. 2. In his gracious ihvitations, come unto me fai th Chrift, iffinne burthen you, I will eafe you. Mar. 11.18 3· In hispatien::e andwaiting forrepentanre- he wai ts to thiscf 3 o d h , ' ~. e. I ~. very en t at hemigh t begraciBus, and that he may have mercy, for tke Lord is a God of judgment, 4· Becaufe it is his promife to pardon Gnne , I even,! am he that blots out thy tranfgrejfiom f or my own f ak.! ,a nd will not m nem- Ife.iJ.lf. ber thy Jinnes. _This promife of pardon is one of the great bleffi ngs of the Covenant ofgrace; you beare the words ,n thi~· very exprelfure of it, I will f orgive th1ir iniquity ~r.d I 1rili remember 'their jim no more . Jer. 3 r·34• Now come , conlider 0 my foule of every particular in this gradous Covenant, and 0 be ferious in thy conGderation;fr.uely E e theL ' S