Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

~IQ Book III. Chap. l. Seet. 3 ther's too roue~ e~pence ofthy fpirit upon vain, and tranfitory, aod worldly dungs.; alas! alas ! thou haft but a fbort time to live; and the ftrength of thy mind, that I call for, it is the moll: precious thing Ehou haft ; 0 then let the bufine~e JUd adivenefs of thy mind,let the inmoft thoughts,and deep-a-ffeaions beaded and exercife:d on this fubjeet; be careful that none ofthefe waters runae befidt:s- the Mill; IfGod,and Jefus,and all thy good be included here , why fhould not thy whole foule be intent on this ? why fhouldfr thou fpend it on the creature.< why fhouldfi thou be fo fubj~et ro carnal griefes , and fears? furely all thefe are fitter to be fixed on God in Cbrift ,, on Jefus in a Covenant of grace. ---------------- - SECT. Ill. ej deft ring Ief1!4 in that refpe(,.'t; 3:; w E muftdeftre after [efm , carrying on the great work ofour falvation in a.way of Covenant before his comingin.the flefh ; It is notenough to know and confider, · but we muft dtjire. Thus is the order of Gods work; no fooner hatlt his Spirit. dearly revealed the goodneffe of the prornife. that we come to know, but the foule <confiders of it , turnes it uffide down , viewes it in all its excelle.t1cies, weighes it in the baliance of its beil and deepeft meditation. This done , the affections begin to ftirre, and the foule begins thus to re~fon ; 0 happy I, . thPit I fee the goodnejJe ofthis gracious promife; b11r miferab/e I, if I come to fee this,,:md never h.tve a /hare in it; 0 rrhy not I L~rd ? why not my ftnnes pardoned.? why not my corruptions fubdurd? wh; wot the Law written in my heart, and put into my inward parts?wh; may not I fay, .my Lord and my God? or I am my beloveds, and my be!ovr:d is mine? why not this Covenant eft,!/b/ifhed betweenGQd 11nd me ? now,my foule thirjJs after this as a thirfty land, my affections hunger after [efus in "" Covena11t of grace: Oh , 1 would fain be in Covenant with God; For, this is all my folva• tion t~nd all my dejire , 2 Sam, .23. 5. - But here's an obJ \'!~ion.~ . - - -J • ' ' The