Chap.7-.Sc:tt.z Looki~g utJto 1ifm. Booic III. The object ofthis defire is apprehended as abfent and diftanc: ; ()bjeEt. we do not covet tho;e things that we doenjoy, if they are prefent, we rather reft in them; then move towards them , or dcfire after them ; how then fhould David or any foule already in a Covenant ofgrace defire after the Covenant? what t Sam.~H is this, he hath made with me an ever!Jijfing Covenant , ord~reJ in all things, 11nd[ure, for this is all my falvation lind all mJ defire? Anfw. It is true,the objeCI: of defire qua tale, is fomething .abfent, yet not alwayes abfent in the whole , but in the parts and degrees ofi\; the very prefence ofa good thing d{)th in fome fort quicken the defires towards the fame thing, fo far forth as it is capable of improvements or augmentation: As we fee in external riches {)f the body , none defire them more eagerly then thofe that poffeffe them; and the more gracious the foule is, the more is the heart enlarged in the appetition of a greater meafure of grace, as the puttinginoffome water into a Pump doth draw forth more: no man is fo importunate in praying , Lord help mJ unbslief , liS he that can fay, Lord I believe; things m:ty be de!ired in order to improvement and further degrees of them. Again, things prefent may be theobject ofour de.fires unto continuance; as he that delighteth in a good thing that he hath, he defireth the contimmnce of that delight; fo the foul ofa mari having a reach ai farre as immortality , it m&y jufily de!ire as well the perpetuity , as the prefence of thofe good things it enjoyeth.- Come then, 0 my foul and whet on thy de jim in every of theli: ref peas; as, I. De6re after thy intereft in the Covenant. 2. Dc:fireafter thy improvement of the Covenant. 3. De6re after tne continuance of thy Covenartt-ftate. 4· Defire after Jefus the great bufineffe , or the all in o~~ll in a Covenant ofgrace. ·.·., •• I. De6re after thy intereft in the covenant ; 0 fay in thy felt, is_ it tkus _? is the Lord willing to receive me to his grace? wa~ th, 1t Prov.I.U.1J h~s v01ce m ~he ftr eetes , how longye fim~le ones will ye love JimpliCit}? turne ye at my reproofe, !Jehold i mil poure out my Spirit unto Ifa. 55·1·3·; you.? was that his proclamAtion, Ho, even one that thirfleth I f' d ./ J' > come ye to tlfle waters , tne your c,ome unto me --- a?d I wilt m_ake an everiafting coven11nt withyou, even the f llr~ mer-. ms rf Dilvld? and are theft the promifes offered in the covenant • E e 2 1