Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

D~ut.33.19. l'f.d.l 44.~ ~. Ep.hef.l ·l4 Bpok.III. L.ookingrmto~t(us. Chap.z. Sect 3 j will put · my . Law into your irrwttrd parts, and 1 wilL '-write it in your hearts , "'~d_I will beyour God, , and ye (hall be my people? oh. the bhffed condttton cf thofe people that tire In c ~ ven{{nt with God! 'Bhj]edartthouD_ Ifrae!,whois/if<!unt~ thee, aproplefavrdlythe .Lord; oh happy tS the prop!~ that be znjucha ctt[e, yea, happy is th.'lt people whofe Cjod u the Lord. But Ah ! what can I fay? no jin !ik!, unto my fin , no mifiry !if<! u~to my mijery; alas, I am an ,dit n tc God, I ,un {eptraredfrom hiS people , I am out of rhe co- - , 'Zfenrmt:, /ik.f apowe prodigal, 1 die for hunger, whiles thofe that are .in myf,ahers huufe have br;ad enough: oh that hvere in their condition ! never did D.1vid lon.'{, more for the waters 9fthe Writ of Bethlehem, thm m} foul now touched with the fen(e offin, doth defire to be Jtt peace wi:h f:!~d, and in covennnt w.ith God; Oh 1 thirft, j pant, 1 g11!pe lljrerhmt, I long for commumon, .znd peace with him, with my foul do 1 de(ire thee in the night, ;ea, with my JPirit within me do I feek_ thee early. 2. D.eGr~ after thy im_Proveme.nt ?fthe covenant; it may be God hath gtven thee an mtereft .m 1t, but alas thy hold is fo weake that thou fcarce knoweft the meaning of it; the Lord may anfwer, but yet he fpeaks darkly; as fometimes he fpake to the woman , go thy war and fin no more; it is a middle kind of expreffion , neither affuring her. tha~ her Gn was pardoned , nor yet putting her out of hope but It mtght be pardoned ; fo it may . be God hath given thee fome little eafe, blit he hath not fpoken full peace ; go on then and deGre more and more after confirmation: fay in thine heart, 0 ~ord thou haft begun to fbew grace 11'11to th] fervant, but oh manifeft to me all thy goodnefs; thQu haft givm me a drop, and Ifeele it fo fweet, that now 1 thirft, and lung to enjoy thefomttai;ze; thou h~{J givrn me a kf.fs of thy mouth, and now I pant to be mJsted to thee tn 11 more perfeEl and confummate . marriage; thou haft given me a taft, but my appetite .tnd dejire is not thereby diminijbed, but enlarged; andgood reafon, for what are thefe dreps , and tP.fts, but only the fir.ft fruit I ofthe Spirit? and Mrnefts of th~ Spirit? oh then what are thofe h11rveffs ofjoy? what are thf' t ~etifum ofwij'dome.• and free gr~ce hid in fjod? I have indeea beheld a. feaft offat th!ngs, offat thmgJ full of ?narrow, of wines c11 the lees , ,ofwines on the fee1 well refined; hut 0 what a [limine is yet in mJ'fP,irit ! 0 LQrd I have longedfor thy fa/vat ion, I 41m m1d) t~ fwoone for fur!h(r H,nion 1 and c}carer ma.,ifeflati1i11_of mJ