Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap. z.Seet.3 .' Lookingunto ':fefns. Book III. ' mJ fbare and intereff in this covenant of grace, come L ord 'fe[uJ, come quickly. , 3. DeGre after continuance of thy covenant-fiate: many a fweet foul cJnnot denie bucchat the Lord hath !hewed mercy on him but he feares that he iliall not hold out : l1e feeles within fuch 'a power ofcorruption, fuch firong temptations, fo many. Jufts that now he doubts, 0 what will becume cf my pcore foul? what will berhe ij[ue of this wBful work_ ? why come now , and defire afcer perfeverance: when Peter was ravi1bed on the mount, it is good being here ( faies he) let m build here TabermrckjeJ ; his deGre was to have continued th~re for-ever; and it wast he prayer Mat,t7·4• ofChrift in Peters behalfe , 1 h11ve prayed f or t'~ee that thy fRith L ke u 3 t. f<~il not; what was this prayer but Chrifis vehement deGre of Pe- u ' terJ continuing in the faith ? flull Chrifi delire, and wilt not · thou deGre after thy own perfeetion ! 0 come with thefe pantings, and ~rea things after _God; put fo:th thy deGresin thefe or Hofea,:. 1 ,, the like expreffions , 0 Lord thou hlljt flud I wz/1 betroth thee unto me for ever; and wh<~t meaxes this but that the conjugal love if Chrift with agracious foul /hall never be lm kJ'n? what me11nes this but that the bondofunion in a beluver to (hrift is f4fened upon God, 11nd the Siprit rj'God holdJ the other end o( it, and fo it c(m never be brok.fn? 2. 0 L ord thou haft difcovered in thy Word,thlf(f this union is in the F.ltber, who hruh l11id a furr foundation, the foundation . if God ftandeth fure' having this fealc' the Lord k,zzowetb them j rlm.·Z,J9• thllt are his: and that this union u in the Somu, who lovu his to tfJe 0 .t3 .I. end : and that thiJ union u in the Spirit who abidu in thee/ell for ever. 3. Thou haft difcovered, that the mountainu foal/ depart, 11n~ the hi!!J be remo·ved, but my kJndHejs foal/ not dep~rt from thee, HJ,• 0 . nett her /hall the covenant of my peace be removed, fasth the l,:~rd ~ , q,J . • that hath mercy on thee. 4· Thou hnft [aid that the Saints /btll/b, k.fpt by the p8wer of Cjod. q. d. ·The JPecial ptwer 1 mer~ne ·· .to put 1 Pet. I.~ , fof'thin this world, it u.toupho!dthe fjirits of my · Saints; . the.;pe. cia! work.f I have in the worldlo ·exercife my power • abo~tt, it is to keep Chr!ft and.the Saints-together; it is through the power ofGod that heaven and earth is ktpt up, hut if (jod muft wit-h-draw his · power from the one of theft ,Jooner fhould heaven and earth fall in pieces, then Godwould not uphold one gracious foul that ·hath union with his Sonne [rfus Chrift. .Andifthefe be thy[a;ings ·, why then Lord I dejire the llccomplifoment; . 0 fulfil what thou haft /aid; it E e 3, wou!4..