Chap.z.Sect.3. Book llf. in every of thefe refpects is the coveaant icfelf~ he is very peace, and reconci!iatioa it felf, and this man fl;all6e the peace whm the Micah.r.;. Affj-rian !ball come in:o our land. A~ ~re is ho~ for it fel~ and all other things hot for It, as they partic.Ipate of1t; fo Chnft is the covfnant it felf, and all we are fo farm covenant to Chrift, as we have any thing of Chrift; want Chrift, and want peace, and .· want the covenant of grace. 2. Chrift is the meffenger of the covenant. The Lora whom Mal+'·". ye feelze {hall fudden!y _come to his 7:emple, even_ the m~Jlenger of the covenant whomye de!tght in. Chnll: travels With tydmgs betweene · the parties of the covenant. I. He reports of God to us; he .. commends his Fath~rto ~s, mJ Father is the hus6and-'!1an; and Job: 1 5 ,r ; thu u the Fatherr.wt!l whtch hathfent me, th11t of all whtch he hath Joh 6, 3 9, given me I foould .' lofe nothing; and he ~om~ends himfelfto us, Job 6.4F• . it beca.sne the LordJefus to comm.end h1mfelt, I am the bread iff0~· 8- u, life I am the light of the world, I am the doore, I am the good P~o~~~ 9,tr ' foe/herd. It is a wonderful thing how Cbrift is a broker (as I Prov' 9:,~~.~ ' may fay) for Chrift; wifdome cryeth without , lhe uttereth ' her voice in the frreets , come,eat ofmy bread, and drink of the · wine which l' have miiig!ed: Minifrers cannot fpeak of Chrifl: · , . andofhisFather,as he can do himfelf. 0 my (oul to excite thy defires, come , and heare Chrift, fpeak ofChrift , and of .his Father , and of heaven, for he fawall. 2. He reports of us to , God; he commends us to his Father; 0 righteOU£ Father the world J h .. htrth not k.t;own thee, but I ha'1:le k._nown thee, and thefe have ~nown ° '1 7·v; ' that thou huft fent me. Chrift gives a good report of the Saints in 1 heaven ; the Father and Son are fpeaking of them (as I may fay) behind back. And furely a good report in heaven is ofhigh , efteeme ; Chrift tells over Ephraims prayers behind his back, I · have furely heard Ephraim bemoaning him [elf thus , thou haft. chaflifed me, and I was chafiifed, as a Bull~ck unaccuflomed 1 to the yolze; turn thou me and I fl;all be turned, thou 11 rt theJeqr.tS,uJ' Lord my God: and thereupon God refolves, is Ephraim my d:are fonne ? is he a pleafant ckild ?_ for fince I Jpak§ againft htm Ida earntjlly. remember _hmJ fill! , therefore mf bow,els' are trou6led fo~' hsm , I wtll Jurely have mercy upon him faith the Lord. Happy foules of whom Chrift is telling good tidings in heaven ? h~ is the Ang~) of the . Cove- . nanr-.