Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

2.19 Book. HI. • Looking u:>.~to JeftFs. Chap. z. Sect. 3 J[l 55·4· Rev.t•5 Rev.~· 14· Luke 19, 10, --·--~------'--·-·-- ---------- 3. lHe is the witnefs ofthe covenant; he faw,and heard all, Br hold Ihave git•en himJor a witneji to the people. And he is called the [llithful witneffe. The Amen: The fflithful and true witmjft. "The covenant faith, the Sonne ofman came tofeck._ and to [ave that wl:ich was !r./f; Amen, (ailh Chrifr, I can witneffe that to be true', the covenant faith, C hrifr dyed; and rofe againe for !inners. Rev, 1 • iS. 'Amen faith Chrift, I was dead,and behold I live for evermor.e; Amm: There's not any thing faid in the covenant, but ( hrift is a witnelfe to it, and therefor<: we read in the very end of-the Bible, this fubfcription (qs l may call it) in relation to Cbrifr. He Rev. ~t . :o, which teftifieth the/e things , faith , fure!y I come quickjy. Amm. •Hcb. 7 • :o. 1~. 4· thrift is the Surety of the covenant. ·In AS much as not with- • oHtanMthhe wasmadeaPrieft, ...- by}omuchwas {efus madea furety of a be~ter T rftument. The covenant ofworks had a- promife, , but becaufe 1t was to be broken, and done away, it had no oath of God as this hath; 0 doubting foule, thou fayefr thy falvation is not f ure, think on this Scripture, thou haft the oath ofGod for it· 'it is a fworne article of the covenant, believe in the Lord [efll!,and thou '{halt be Javed; and to this end is ChriH a Surety. I. Surety for God, he undertakes that God iliall fulfil his part of the cove1.uke 1 ~. "3 t, ·nant,feare-not Iitle fioc~,[or it is your Fathers gcod pleafure to give yu ihe Kingdom. And all that the Father giveth me, fhall comtto Johll 6, 37· me; andhim that cometh unto me I wilt iu no wife caft out. 2. Surety for us; and ~o this purpofe he hath paid a ranfome for us; , and giveth a new heart to us; and he is ingaged to !ofe none of us. , John 17. 11• Tho[e that thcu gavrft me I have ktpr, and none of them is /oft • 5. chrift is the Mediatour ofthe covenant: the Apoftle calls Hcb. u. 14 ' him 'fefuo the Mtdiatour vf the new cov_enant : he hath fomething ofGod, as being true God; and fomething ofman as iliaring JQ~ •. 9 • 33 : with us of the nature ofman; hence he is Mediatour by o ffice, and layeth his bands on both parties as a dayes-man doth; and in this refpea: he is a friend, a reconciler, 8 nd a fervant. I. A friend to both parties, he h:nh Gods heart for man, to be grac:ous, & he hath mans heart for God to fatisfie juftice. 2. A reconciler ofborh parties; he brings down God to a treaty of peace & he brings up man by a ranfome paid,fo that he may fay unto both ,Father ctme aown 'tO my bretherrn,my kindredt?.nd ftefh; and thou my Sifter a:~d Sponfe