Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Cbap.z .Sed.3. Lou!dngtmto :Jeflu. Book.III. Spoufec~melfptomy Father, andtbJ. Father, tom; god, and:hJ God. 3. He u a fervant to both parttes, behold my Jervant, fatth ]fa 14 . 1 ; God my righteous flrvant. Yea, and our fervant, be came not to Jr• r 3· 11. be irved, but to ferve, and to give his life a ran[ome for Mar. lO.l8• m.tnJ· . , 6.· Chrift is the Teftatour of the covenant: he dyed to thii very end,that he might confirm th~ covenant,where a Tej!ament ii, there mufta/fo ofneceiJitJ be the tleath oftheTeftator,foraTefta· mentis Bj fon·t after men are dead, otherwife it is of no ftrength at Hcb. 9· 16. 17 all whiles the Tej!~ttor liveth, Chrift then muft dye, and chrifts blood muft be fhed, to feale the covenant ofgrace; it is not every blood but Chrifts blood that muft feale the everlafting covenant,' Hrb. ~ 3. 20. And his blood being fhed, he is then rightly called the Teftator ofthe covenant. 0 what fewel is here to fet our deGres on flame? come foul and bend thy deftre[ towards Chrift, as the Sun· flower towards the Sunne, the iron to the loadftone, and the loadftone to the pole-ftar; yea,the nearer thou draweft towards Chrift, the more and more do thou deGre after Chrift; true deGres never determine or expire : he that thirfts let him thitfts more (faith Be~nard) and Bern· d 1 fl• he de.fires let kim dejireyet more abundantly. Is there not ,vang: {:;m: caufe? 0 what excellencies haft thou ·found in Chrift ? poore / foul, th,ou haft undone thy felfby Gnne, ther's but a £l:ep betwixt thee and damnation, but to fave thy foul Chri£1: comes leaping on the mount11ines, and skjpping on the hills; he enters into acovenant with God; he is the covenant, the meffenger of the covenant, the witneffe of the covenant, the Sur,ty of the covenant, the Me~ diatour of the covenant, the Te£l:atorof the covenant, .the great bufineffe, the all in all in a covenant of grace; If David could fay, my foul bmtk.J for the longings that if hath to thy judgement.t p[ l , at all times, how mayff thou fay, my foul brMks for the loiigings 3 ' 119· ,ttJ, that it. hath to thy merc.ies and my. 'fefus at all times? Oh I gafpe for grace; as the thirfty land for drops of rain ; I thirfi, Ifaint, I languifh, I long for an hearty draught of the fountaine opened to the houfe of<David, and to theinht~bit~tnts of 'ferufa!em. Oh that I could fee Jefus flying through the midfi ofheaven with the Co- . venant in his hand ! Oh I long for that Angel of the Covenant; I long to fee fuch another viGonas 'fohn did, when he faid, and I [~tw lfi1Qther Angel jlie in . the midft of hfflvrn , having the F f · everlaj!i11.g