Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

218 Book III . Looking unto j-efl/4. ,Chap. 2. Sed. 4 ever/afl ing Gofpe! to pret:ch unto thrm that dwell upon the earth, What ? is that Covenant in the band of Cbrift ? and is my na'me writtenin that roll? fay Lord;is my name written on the heart of Chrift? Ob ! if I had the glory and poffeffion of all the world if I had teo thoufand worlds, and ten thoufand IiveJ , I would lay them all down, to have this poor trembling fOul of mine affured of this: oh my tbirft is infatiable, my bowels are hot within me, my defire after Jef min reference to the Covenant is greedy as t he grave,the coales thereofare coals offire, which hath amoil ,•ehement fl ame. ·-·----------....---- SECT. IV. Of hoping in Jefm in that refpeff . W. "' E muft hope in Jefw carrying on the great work of our falvation in a way of Covenant ; now what is hope but a good opinion of enjoying its object; indeed a good opinion is fo neceffary for h!Jpe, that it makes almoitall its kindes and differences; as it is greater, or Ieifer, fo it c:tufeth the ftrength or weakneffe, the exce{fe or defect of thi5 paf.. fion, hope : This good opinion is that which renders hQpe either doubtful, or certaine; ifcertaine,it produceth confidence or prefumption; prefumption is nothing but an immoderate hope "Without a ground : but.confidence is that affurance of the thing hoped for in fome meafure,as ifwe had it already in hand. Hence it is that we ufually fay we have great , and ftrong , and good hopes, when we would fpeak them affured ; which hath occaG. , oned fome to .denne it thus. Hope iJ a certaingrounded confidencF,. that the defired good will come; not to inGft on this; all the que· ftion is whether thofe promifes contained in the Covenant of grace belong unto me ? and what are the grounds and foundations on whi ch my hope is buil t ? if the grounds be weak, then hope is doubtful, or prefumptuous ; but if the grou~dsbe right , then hope is right, and I maycafl: anch.or,and bUild upon it. · ~ the difqui(l~ion of t~e[e grounds we fuall onely fearch i~~ ,