Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Looking UfJtO 11 U4. BJOK II r. to thofc qualifications, which the Scripture tells us they are q.uaIificd with, with whom the Lord enters into a Covenant of grace; and thefe we ih;\11 reduce , 1: To the condition of the Covenant. 2. To the prom1fe of the Covenant. As219 I. If thou art in Covenant with God,then hath God wrought in thee that condition of the Covenant, a true , and lively , and ACl:s 16 • foul-faving, and juil:ifying fait b. Beleeve on the L~rd 'fefm, and ' ·· thoujb.1lt befaved. If thou beieeveft thou fhalt be Javed. The Rom,1.0,9 promife of life contained in the Covenant is made onely to beleevers; This is fo fure a way oftryal, that the. Ap::J file himfelfe directs us thereunto, Examine ;our [elves ~hether ye be in the tCor.r 3 . S' faith. ay, but how (hall I examme, for there are many pretenders t~ faith in theft dayes? why thus, I. True faith will carry thee out of thy felf into Chrin:, I live, yet not I, but Chrift liveth Ga1 ,:,1Q in me; a faithful man bath not his life in himfelf, but in Chrift Jefus: he hath his fpiritual being in the Father, and in his son Jefus Chrift , he is joyned to the Lord , and i5 one Spirit ; he feeth the Father in the: Sonne, and the Sonne within himfelf,and alfo the Father within himfelf through the Sonne; Know yc not 1Cor,q.r; that Chrift 'fefm Ia in }01"4, except ye be reprobates? ye /halt k.pow me (faith Chrifi) chat I am in the Father,andyou in me, and I in John 11.10 you. By faith we enjoy the glory of union , The glory which thou haft given me,! havP given them, that the1may be one ev_en M ~e are J ob.t 7. u, : ~­ one, I in them, and thou in me; though we have not the glory of equality , yet we have the glorie of likenelfe; we are one with Chrifr,and one with the Father by faith in Chrifl.-2. True faith will carry thee beyond the world ; a beleever looks on Chriil: over-coming the world for him, and fo by that faith he overcomes the world through him ; thiJ is the viflory t]ohn r; 4 th.Jt overcometh the w~rld, even your faith : Hence it is that the Saints are faid to beclat~thed with the Sunne, and to have the Moon Rcv.t.n.' under their feet; when through faith they are cloathed with the Sun ofrighteoufnef[e, the LordJefus; then they trample upon all fublunary things as nothing worth in comparifon ofChrift. 3; True faith is ever accompanied with true love: ifonce by faith thou apprehendeft Gods love and Chriil:s love to thee thou canft not but love that God , and love that Chriil: wh~Joved thee, and gave himfelffor thee; we love him, bec'llufe he firft to- 1 John 4 • 19 F f 2 vtJ · ·