Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

« I ' Looking unto 1t{tts. Chap.z. Sea 4 ved 111; he that loveth not God, hath not apprehended Gods love to him ; if ever God in Chrift be prefented to thee for thy joftification it is foch a tovely objed , that thou canft not but love liim; He thtlt lvveth not, k!toweth it@t God, for 'God is love. 4 · Truefaith purifies the heart, and purgeth out fin; when qod t{ifcowrs tbis, that he will bealcbackjliding, and lovefmly, and turne away ~is anger , . then E phr~im fb,zfl f~J, what have. I any more to do wJth Idols ? tf ever Chnft reveal htmfelfas the object of our Ju(\-ification, he will be fure to prefent himfelfas the pattern of our Sanctification: the knowledge of Gods goodnelfe will ll)aketlS in }ove with hoJineffe; they fhal/(eare and tremble, for a// t-he goodne({e, and for 11!! the profptrity, that I procure mlto them faith the Lord : the golden chaine of mercy let down from-heaven , doth bind us failer to the fervice of our God. 5, Above all ·, obferve the rife, true faith, if it be true, it is ever bottomed upon the fenfe and pain ofa loft condition; fpiritual poverty i~ the·neereft capacity ofbelieving: this is faiths method, be condemnrd to be Javed: be Jiak. and be healed. Faitfu is a flower of Chrills own-planting, but it growes in no foul but onely on the margin and bank of the Lake of fire and brimftone; in regard there's none fo fit for Chrifr and heaven, as thofe who .are felflick, and {elf-condemned to hell .' T hey that be whole need not a Phyjician (faith Chrift;) but they that_arefick. Thisisa foundation of Chrifr ; that becaufe the man ts broken, and hath not bread,therefore he muff be fold , and Chrilt mufr buy him , and" take him nome to his fire-fide , and cloath him ' and feed him there. I know Satan argues thus, thou art not worthy ofChrift ~ and therefore what haft thou to do wit~ Chrift? but faith concludes othcrwife, I am not worrhy of Chrift., I am out ofmea[ureJinful , 1 tl':fmblc at it, and I am fenjible of 1t , and thmfore ought I, and therefore muff home to Chrift; this argui_ng is _Gofpel-logick, and ~he· right method of a true and favmg-faHh: f<:>r what is faith bat the ad: of a Gnner humbled, weary, laden , poore , and (;If. condemned? Oh take heed oftheir doti:rine who make faith the ati: of{ome _vile perfon never humbled , but applying with an immediate couch, his hot , boyling and . fmoaking lyfis to the bleeding bleffed wounds and death of Jefus Ghrift. · :2.:. lf .thou art in .C<>v.en-an t ,with qod , then hath God fu!~.