Book III. -------------------------------------------·------- fulfillea in fome part the promifes of his Covenant to thy foul: As -- I. Then hath God put the Law into thy inward parts, and writ it in thy heart: look as Indenture anfwers to Indenture , or as a face in the glalfe anfwers to a face, fo the contormity of thy heart and inwards to the Law ofGod; thou obeyeft Gods wilf,_and delightdl: in that obedience; thou (ayeft wirh David,rfa!. 4 o.8 . I dtlight to ao thy will 0 Goa ; yea , thy LarP i1 within my - heti!rt. 2. Thou haft a covenant-relation to God , and .a covenant.. intereft in God ; and thou art by covenant as one of the people of God. Cbrift hath thy foul , thy body, thy affections , thy love to the very uttermoft ; God hath a propriety , and a pecu.. liarity iri thee; thou art Chrifts by marriage ; thou haft paft over thy felfunto him to be his Jewel, . his Spoufe, his Diadem, his . Crown,his Servant,his Child for ever. 3.Then art thou clearly taught to know the Lord;thou knoweil:. 6 him in another.manner then thou didft before; I will ejl:ablijh mJ E:~".ek,t6•60• 1 · (ovmant with thee ,. and thou jbalt know thi!lt I am the Lord. There is adouble knowledge. z; A fpeculati ve knowledge, and. thus men may know much , but they are not affected according to the things they know. 2. A practical knowledge; and thui if we know the Lord, we ihall fee in him that excellency and lSeauty , that our hearts will be affectioned towards him, and we fl1all be able to fay ,that we love him with all our heart, and widi : all our foul,and with all our ftrength . 4· Then hath God pardoned thy !innes, and he will remember -' -thy fins no more ? but how fuould I be alfured .of that? ' "YhY .· thus , - - 1. If thou haft fincerely confelfed , bewailed..,_, and forfa ken thy finnes ; _wafb ye, make ye clean, put£ ,e-. 1[~ .1 . 16118 ,':. vii of yo~< r doings from before mine eyes, ceafe to do evil; .- A~dpr.efmtly it followes come now, nnd let us rea(on . rogerher , fatrh the L ord; though your Jinnes be as Scarlet • .they foal! be as white as Smrv, thou~h they he red lik,y crim(on,they /ha.llbe ,;u. wool!~ 1(:!.5 p 7 To the fam ~ purpofe , let the wic~t;d f orj:1kj his way ; i!lnd the unrip;httous man hisrhoulbts, and let him return unto the Lordand he , wilf have mercy 11pon hi_m , ana toO#r (jodfor he .Wi/labundantly p ~rdon . 2 If thy heart after many_ftormes. and troubles be c,almed and quieted through faith in CLrnft ·~ being jujl:ified by fa_ith, • • _: · 1: f 3 we •