Chap.:2.Sect.5 Looking UtJtO 1efU4, BooR: nr. that office: in this manner Chrifr hath cot)ilituted and affumed the office of being the Mediator, the Rcdeemt:r, and the Saviour of men· he hath erected, and fet up on purpofeanofficeofmeer love ;nd tender compaffion, for the reliefof all poor diftre!fed finnc;s; if they dare not.venture otherwife ; yet let t~em put in at this office. 0 what Jealous hearts have we that will not rrufl: Chrift that will not take the word ofChrift without an office of fecurity ? furely Chri~ never fo ca:ried himfelfto any _foul, that it need be jealous of hrs love and fatthfulndfe, yet th1s dear hu.C: band meets with many a jealous fpoufe; 0 my foul take heed of chis l Satan hath no greater defign upon thee chen to perfwade thee to entertain hard thoughts ofChrift : believe! never fay God will not tale thee into Covenant , for to this purpofe he hath erected an office to fave and fhew mer-. cy. 4· Confider ofthofe tenders and offers of Chrifl:, thofe intreaties and befeechings co accept ofChritl: which are made in the Gofpel. What is the Gofpel? or what is the fumme of all the Gofpel , but this? 0 tt~fes Chri.ft , and life in Chrift, that thou mafft beJaved: what meane thefe free offers , H oever] one that thirffeth come to the waters, and whoflever will, let him tal<.§ of the waters of life freely; and God fo loved the world that he gave hjs onely begotten Son,&c? God is the fitfl: fuitor and folicitor, he firfl: prayes the foul to take Chrifr. Harke at the doore! wl10 is it that knocks there ? who is it that calls now , even now ? open unto me my Sifter, my Love, my Dove, my Vndefi/ed, for my Canr.].z. he_aJ u fitted with dew_, andmy loc':J with the drops ofthe nigkt ? S~e htm through the wtndows , thts can be none .but Chnft; ·hts fweet language of Sifter, Love, and Dove , befpeaks him Chrift; hisfuffer1ng language , that hu heAd u filled with dew, 11nd hu lock! with the drops of the night , befpeaks him Cbrifl: . But harken the motion he makes to thy foul, Soul! confide; what price'! have given to [ave thee; thu my body was crucified, my h11nds andfeet nailed, my heart pierced, and through anguijb I WM forced to CrJ, mJ foul U heavy , heavy Unto death , and now what remainerfor thee lntt one!y to beleeve? See all things readJ on my part , mnijfion, juftifict~tion, fanEtification, fa!v.ttion·l will 6e thyGod and thou jba!t be ofthe number ofmy people; I offer no'w my flif andmerits, ttnd bepefits flowing thm-from, and I intreat G g z't