Brok.III.. Looking HntO 1efns. Cbap.l. SeC} r t:liee accept of thu offer. . 0 t11k,r C:hrifl, lind life, ad fahation in Chrift. What, IHhts the votceofmybeloved? are thefethe . in treaties of J efus? and 0 my foul , wilt thou not beleeve ? wilt thou not accept of this gracious offer ofChrift? 0 confider who is this that proclaimeth , inviteth , befeecheth ? If a p6ore man {hould offer thee. moun~aines ofgold thou migh~efi doubt ofperformance, llecaufe he 1s not of that power; 1fa covetous rich man {hould offer thee thoufands of fi~ver thou mi ghtefi doubt of performance, becaufe it is contrary to his nature; but Chrift is neither poore , nor coveteous ; as he is able, fo his Name is gracious and his natu~e is to be faithful in performance; his CoveJ1ant is fealed with h1s blood:, and .confirmed by his oath , that aJl ,(hall have pardon that will but. come in,and believe;O then let . tbefe words of ~hri~ ( whofe lips lik.! fillies are ~r.pping donm pure m.yr.rhe) p,revatle With thy foul , fay Amen to h1s offer, I belitw, ~prd help r»Junbe!ief. s: Confider of thofe commands of Chrifi , which notwithn~nding all thy excufes and pretences, be fafiens on thee to beli~ve. : .. and this is his c~mmandment, thllt we jhould believe on the ]V11me of his Son [efus {hrift. Surely this command iliould infi. nitely outweigh and prevai•le againjl all other countermands of .fleih and"blood; ofSatan;nature, reafon, fenfe and all the world. Why this cemmand Is thy very ground and warrant.againft which the ve.r:y g~tes of he!J can never poffibly prevaile; when Abraham had a corrimand"to kill his own, only dear fon with hts own hand, though it was matter ofas great grief as poffibly could pierce his h-eart, yet he would readily & willingly fubmit to it; how much Jt)ore (houldft thou obey, . when God commands no more but rllat thou !houldff befi,ve en . the, N ,,me of his Son.'fefr.s Chrift ? There's no evil in this command.; no , no,. it comprehends in it ~u. good imaginable, ha ' e Chrift and thou haft with him the dcdJency and variety of all _ bleii~ngs both of heaven ar:1d earth ; have c:hrift and rhou haft Wtth htm a, difcharge of all thofe endlelfe and_~a !1effe torments ofhell ;. have- ( hrifi , and thou hall: with him,.t:he glorious I:eity it .fclf'to be enjoyed through him to a!) e-telnity. 0 then believein Jefus. !· fuffer not the ' Devils cavils, and the groundleffe exceptions of thine owne neart to prevaile"' witl! th'*; againfi the direct Commandment of .i\l~ighty Go4~ . · - · · - · 6. Con~