Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Book III. 6 . Co-nfider ofthefe me!fag~s ofChrifl:, which he daily fendi by the hands of his Gofpel-Minifte .s. Now then we art EmbiifJadars f or Chrifi, as rhoguh God did befeechyou by UJ, we pray yen in t Coq ,10 { hrij!:s ft ead, be ye recorcilra ~nto _ qa:J. What_a_wonder is here? would not an earthly Prince dtfdatn and hold tt tn foule {corn to fend unto his infcriour rebellious fiaves for reconcilement ? it is otherwife with Chrift, he is content to put up at our hands all indignities and affronts; he is glad to ~ue to us firft, and_ to fend . his Embafladors day after day, befee<;htng us to be reconCiled un- · to him.: 0 incomprehenfible depth ofunfpeakable mercy and.encouragemeut co come to Chrift. That I may digre!fe a litc!e, fay thou chat readefl , wilt thou take Chrifl to thy Bridegroom , and fo rfake all others ? this is the me!fage which God hath bid me (unworthy Emba!fador) to deliver to thee; .the Lord Jefus exped:s an anfwer from chee , .and I lhould be glad at heart to return a fit anfwer to him that fent me; fay then , doft thou like well ofche match? w!lt thou-have Chrift for thy husband? wilt thou enter into Covenant with him? wile thou furrender up thy foul to thy qod? wilt thou rely on Chrift , and apply Chrifts merits particularly. to thy felf? wilt thou believe ? for that is it I mean by taking , and receiving, a11d marrying :of Chr:.ft: Ob 1 happy I if I could but joyne Chrift and thy foul together this day! . Oh happy theu if thou wouldeil: this day be .perfwaded by a poor. Embaffador of Chrift ! Blame me not, if.l am an importunate metfenger; If ever I hear from thee , let me . hear fome good-. newes, that I may return it to heaven, and give God .che glory., Come ! fay on ! art thou w \ling ro have Chriil:? ,wouldft thou · have thy name inrolled in tqe Covenant of grace? fhalL .God be thy God? and Chrift chy Chrift ? wile thou the perfon of · Chrifl , and all thofe pri vii edges flowing fi·om . the . blood of Chrift ?• fure tho .t ar<: willmg, art thou not! ftay then;· . thou mull: take Chrift on chef.: termes ; thou mull: believe on him ( i. ) Thou mufi take him asthy Saviour and Lord; ·thou mull: take him and forfa"e all o th~rs for him. This is true taith ·, ,the condition of the Co venant_: 0 believe in Jefus and the ma_tch is made, the hands a~e firuck, the Covenant efiablifhed, · and all doubts remo,. . ved. · Gg3 SEC L