13~ Book.III. cbap. %, sea:. 6. M~ttb . G.n D~u~o8 . r8 3. For the ctfeCI:s of his love ; 1. God fo loves thee as that be bath cntred into a Covenant with thee. 0 what a iove was this? tell me, 0 my foul, is there not an infinite difparity betwixt God and thee ? be is God above, and thou art a worme below : He u the high and lof ty one that inhabiteth eternity, whofo ?(a me u holy, and thou art leffe then the lea£l: of all the mercies ofGod ; 0 wonder at fuch a condefcention ! that fuch a potter, and fuch a former of things lbouiJ come on termes of bargaining with fuch day as is guilty before him ! had we the tongues of men and Angels we could never expreffe it. 2 . God fo loves thee, as that in the Covenant he gives thee all his promifes ; indeed what is the Covenant but an accumulation, or heap of promifes ? asa clufte( of ftars makes a conftellation, fo a maffe of prormfescoricurreth in the Covenant of Grace ; where ever Chrift is, clufl:ers ofDivine promifcs grow out of him; as the motes, rayes, and beams are from the Sun I {hall inftance in fomefew.As--- · I, God in the Covenant gives the world. ·All u ;ours , whe· ther Paul, or Apollo, or Ceph&,or the world, I Cor. 3· 22. Firft feek_tbe Kingdome ofGod, and his righteoufmff'e, and all thefe things [hall be 11aded unto you. Thefe temporary bleffings are a part of the Covenant which God hath made to his people, It is he that giveth thee pswer !O get wettlth, that hnna; eftt~blijh his Covenant which he [ware unto thy fathers. Others, I know, may have the world, but they have it not by a Covenant-right; it may be thou haft but a little, a very little of the world; well , but thou haft it by a Covenant-right, and fo it is an earneft of all the reft. 2 . As God in the Covenant givc;s thee the world, fo in cornparifon of thee and his other Saints , be cares not what becomes of all the world. I loved thee, faith God , therefore will I give men for thee, ttn'd peoplefor th7 life; If the cafe be fo that it cannot be well with thee, but great evils muft come upon others, kindred, people, and Nations, I do not Jo mHch care f or them, faith .God, 1f1) heart is on thee , fo 111 in comparifon of thre , I care not what hecomes of 11/l the wr;r/d; 0 the love of God to his ·Saints. 3. God in the Covenant pardons thy fins , this is another fruit of