Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Book III. Looking umo 1eJtu. Chap. ::~.SeCt:. 6 before ;. for all that knowledge that it had before bred not Jove ; OJ11ycovenant-knowledge ofGod works in the foul a true love of God. But how doth this covenant-knowledge , work this love? I fhall tell you my own experiences; I go through all the venues., graces, and excetlencies that are mot!: amiable; and Jlooke in the Scriptures , and there I find them in God alone ; ifever I faw_ aay excel!encie in any man., or in any creature , I think with my felfthereismoreinGodthatmade that creature; he that made the eye jba!l not h~fee ? and fo he that made that lovelinefs, 'is not helovaly? now when by th\:'fc mediums I have ·prefented God thus.lovely to my fo~ , then I begin to feel my heart to warme. As when I conceive fuch an Idea ofa man, t hat he is offuch a carriage , behaviour, difpo!ition; that he hath a mind thus, ' · and thus framed,q_ualified, &beautified; why then I love him; fo when I apprehend the Lord aright, when I obferve himas he i$ defcribed· in his Wor<L, wheni•obferve his doings, and confider hii workings., and learne from all thefe together a right , Idea;., opinion, or apprehenGon ofhim; then my will followes my undedl:anding , and my affettions follow them both ; and I cpme to love God·, and to delight. in Gocl. 0 here's afweet. knowledge! ' furely it was Gods love inChrift to put this bldfed Art!cle into the.covenant-ofgrac.e, they /ball all kfow mefrom th1, leaft ofthem unto the greateft ofthem, faith the Lord. ~ 6. Godjn .thecovenantofgrace gives thee his Son. qodfo loved the world that .he g11ve his only begotten Son, tbat whcfoever belreveth in him fbauld not perijb, but h.eve cverlajfing life. Nay more, as God hath given thee his Son, fo he hath given thee himfeft. 0 my foul wouldeft thou not think it a, if God fhould fay to thee ·, c~me foul • I willgive thee all the world for thy portion; or that I may give thee <i teflimony that !love thee, I will ma/e! another world for thyfoz fe!, And I will mak$ thee Emperourof that world alfo. c urely thou would'[t fay, God lovesme dearely; ay but in that God hath g;ven tqee his Son, anli given· tpee hi!:"'felf, this is a greater degree of love. Chrill:iam! !tar:d a.mazed l Oh what love is this .to the c'h 'ldren ofmen? Oh that we fhould live to-have our cares filled with tlm found from heaven! I will be a God to thee, and to thy feed after_ thee, I am t be Lord thy God, I will be their God,and they fl.utll be my_p<>cple. 9t!ll.Y foul~ . ..v?eo~:e h~ll: ~~?u been-? r~uze up, , and recollect d; · an ,