Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Bwk.Ill. Lo()king ·unto 1t[t1t. _ C~ap.z. Sect 7 joy in all thy ads , thou wouldft remain languilbing and immov..ahle , thou. WC>uldil be without aCtion and vigor , thou wouldft more of {efus, or of a covenant ofgrace or Qf Cod, or Chrift, or life, or grace ,• or glory. ' We.ll then go on 0 my foul,and joy in fPfus; if thou lov.eft him what iliould hinder thy rejoycing in him .< it is a maxime tha~ /!S kve pm:eeds, fo if thtre be ndthing which retaines the appetite it alwayes goes from love to joy,. One motion of the appetite towards good is to be united to it, aud the· next appetite towards good is to en jpy _it : ~?W love confifts in union , and joy in fruition;. for what rs fru1twn,but a JOJ that we finde in the po{feffion of tho; t thing we love?much ado there is amongfrPhilofophers con. qrning the .differences of love and joy. Some give it thus· as is the motion of fluid bodies which run towards their centre &'think to find their ren there,hut being tbere,they flop not' a~d therefore tl:iey rerum, .and fcatter themfelves on themfelves, they fwelJ ·and overflow; So in the paffion of love, the appetite the beloved Objed, and m1ites. ir felfto it._ ang yet its motion end~ not.there·; tor by thi$ paffion of i9y itreturnes the fame way; a-g1in it fcatters it felf on it felf, ._ and overflowes thofe P.PW~r~ w.hich are neareft ~o jc ; by t~is etfn!ion the .foul_doubles 09 the1m:~ge ofthe good 1t hath rece1ved_, and fo -tt thmkes to polfelfe ir die more ; it difrills it felf into char faculty , which firil: acquainted it with the knowledge of the Object, and by that meanes it makes all.the p,arrs of the fou lconcur ro the po{feflion of'ii:. Hence they fay, that joy is an effujicn of the appetite wherrby thefo~tl [pmtdJ it [elf on wh~tt is good,_ tc po{fejfe it the more perfeflly. . . . But not to flay tn the enqlllry of1ts nature, Omy foul be thou in the exer,ife of this-jo J ; l s there not cau{e ? ·come fee and own thy blelfed·nelfe; take notice of the great things the'Lord b·atb done for thee; As, -- I. He hath made a Covenant t!r~e of tern poral mercies' thou hafl: all thou hafl: by free~ hpldingofCovenant-grace; thy brertd is,by Covenant, thy fleep is by {o:venant, thl' filfery from fword 1s by the ·covena-nt , the very tiJiilcgof thy land is by a covenan~ of grace, E.z:-ek. 36,3·+.· Q how fivee'r is. this? every crnm is from Chrifr, and by vemre of a covenant ofgrace. 2. He hath made a covenant with thee, ~[.~!ri~~al men:i~s; ·e'(en a covenan~ ~f peace, and grace , ii~nd , . ?Je wg,