Chap.~.Seet. 7. Book III. bleffing, and life for evermore;. God is become . thy G:0d, ~e is all things to thee; he hath forgtven thy finnes, he hath gtven . thee his S_pirit, to lead the,, to fand:ifie theee to uphold thee in that Jlate wherein thou fiandefi ; and at lafi he will bring thee . to a full enjoyment ofhimfelf 111 glory ; _where thou !halt blelfe him , and rejoyce before him wit? joy unfpeakable, and full of glory: 0 pluck up thy heart , ltft up thy head, firengthen the weak hands and the feeble knees ; ferve the Lord with gladnelfe, and joyfulneffe of fpirit, confidering the day of thy falvation draweth nigh : write it in letters of gold, . that ti.J qod is in covr~ nant wirh thee, to /eve thee, ta bleJ[e thee , and to fave thee• . Yet a little while ,and he that !hall come will come, .and receive. thee to himfelf, and then t9ou ihak fully know what it is to have . God to be thy God , or to be in covenant with God. I know. _thefe objects rejoyce not e'very heart; out of covenant, . if he look on Ood' he is a confummg fire; if on the Law it is a . fentence of condemnation; if on the earch,it brings forth thorns . by reafon offinnes; if on hea v~n,tlie gate is ihut ; ifon the !ignes ; in heaven,· fire, meteors, thu1\der !hike in ·him a terrour. But 0 myfoul, this is not thy cafe; a man in covenant with' God lookes on a.ll thefe chings with another eye ; if he look' on . God, he faith, thts i>my Father; if on Chrifi,this is my elder brother; ifon the Angels,the(e are my keepers; ifon heaveP; this is my houfe; tf on the!ignes ofheaven, _fire, meteors , thunder, thefe are but the effeds ofmy Fathers power; if on theLaw, theSonneofGod hath fulfilled it forme; ifonprof..·_ perity 1 God hath yet better things for me in ftore; if on adverfity,jefus;Chrift hath f,tffered much more fol' me lhen chis; if on , the Dev il , death , and hell , he faith wi th the Appfile; . 0 dwh · where ts thy fli ng ?0 graw or hdl wherf is tby vic1Jry?; Come poor I.Cor.l r. r r.::. foul,is it not thtls with theerwhat?arr thou in covenantwith'God? or art thou no t? if yet chou doubrefi,review thy grounds·ofhope, and kav.e not tbere ,till thou come£\: up to fome meafure ofaifurance_: ~u_t iftlwu an perfwaded ofrhyinterdt ', 0 then rejoyce . . theretn,tst t not a Gofpel-duty ro rejoyce in :i?e Lord, · and 4gairz to Phil.4.4, .. : rejoycehhe Lord is del1ghted in thy del igh ts, )le would fain have ic thy con!hnt frame -:t nd ~ai ly bUl i ne!Te~t? live-in .joy,and to be alwayes dd .ghtmg thy felt i·1 h:m,.. Th1s one protnile, (am fhcLord thy GM, is enough tocau(e thy. · H h· 3 , ap, ..