Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Book III. chap.zSea:.7 • appetite to run to it, and to unite it felfto it by love· and to fcatter , jc felf on it, and to overflow-thofe powers of th'e·foul that are .l'ial.jiOJ.I \ Phil .3.t Joel.:.~3 ' nearefr to it, that every part of the foul may concurre to the poffeffionofit. 'Blej[e the Lord 0 my foul (faid 'David) and all that is rvithin me blej[e'his holy 7{jme. So rejoyce in the Lord , 0 my foul , and all that is within me rejoyce in the Name of God: / this is true: joy when the foul unites it felf to the good poffeifed in · all its parts; And was there ever fuch an object of true joy as this? Heark , as if heaven opened, an~ the voice came from God in heaven; I rvill be aGod to thee, 'and to thy feed after thee I am the L ord thy God; find I rvill be thy God. What doth not thy heart leap in thy bofome at this found r 'foh~t the: Baptifr leaped in his mothers womb for joy, at the found of c..J'n,tries voice; and doth not thy foule fpring within thee, at this voice of God? 0 wonder! fome can delight themfdvesin Gnne, and is not God better then Gnne? others more refined , and indeed fanCl:ified can delig)lt themfelves in remiffion offinne; in grace, patdon , holineffe, fore-thoughts of heaven; how exceedingly have fome gracious hearts been raviilied with fuch thoughts? but is not God th.eobjeCl:ive happineffe , the fountain-bleffedneffe more rejoy.- cing then all thefe? why? dear foul if there be in thee any rejoycing faculty , now awake, and frir it up; it is the L ord thy God whom thou art to rejoyce in : it is he whom the glorious fpirits joy in; it is he who is the top of heavens joy , their exceeding joy: and it is he who is thy God as well as their God : enough ! enough ! or if this be not enough , hear thy duty as the Lord commands thee, Rejoyce in the Lord, PhiL 3· I. Be glad Jt children of Zion, and rejoyce in the Lord your God; }oel.2.23, Rejoyce-in the Lord all7e righteous, for praife is comely for the upPial.H.I right, Pfal. 33. 1. Rejoyce in the Lc.rd ye righre.ous, and give .Pfal.97·' z. than~s at the remembrance ef his holineJTe, Pfal.97·I2. Ltt all PCr.u Pf.68.~ PC.Jo~.3 I'f.l49·3 thofe that prJt their truft in thee rejoyce, , let them ever' foout for joy bec.1u[e thou di:fendeft them; let them al(o th.1t love thy Name be j?yful in thee., Pfal. 5 1 I. Let the right~ous be glttd; let them rejoyce before God, yea let them exceedingly reJoyct;, Ffal.68. 3. 'Glory ye in his holy Name, let the heart of thtm re)Oyce that .(eek_the L ord , Pfal. 105 . 3; Let Ifrael rejoyce in him that made him, let the ihildren of Zion be joyful in their King , Pfal. I49·3· 'Be glad in . th& Lord, and rejoyce 0 ye righteous, aNd jbolft for joy all ye that are