Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap. 2. Sect.8. Looking tmto JefM. Book. II I. the woman flands at the Well !ide where was water enough ; yet !he gives not, but fiands wondering that he being a Jew fbould aske water of her that was a Samaritane; well, faith Chrifi .thou denyefi me a cup of cold water, being weary and thirfl:y,but hadfi thou asked ofme, I would have given thee water of life; w(lnderful ! Chri£1: is more ready to give water oflife, the very Spirit ofGod, to a poor finner, then we are to give a cup of common water to a thirfl:y fol'll; Go then, thou that haft denyed the leafl: mercy and kindneffe to Chrifl _in any of his me~bers, ye~ feeke grace from him, 0 look up unto Jrfm! aske hJs Sptnt, Jntreat him to make thy heart new within thee, plead the promife of his Covenant, and wait in hope. .z. We mufl praife: i. Ifwe would have the bleffing, let us feek it with the fame mind that God offers it, (i.) with a purpofe and dcfire to have grace exalted; thus M6fes fought pardon for this very end that his mercy might appear; if thou wilt pardon Exod. 31. 3s their fin, thJ mercy foall appear J and we /hall he than/if11l unto thee for it; fo the words are made out by Expofitors,which in the text are either paffionately, or modefl:ly fufpended. Thefe are prevailing requefinvith God, when we plead for the glorifying of his own grace. Father gl~rifl thy Name,faid Chrifl:; and prefent· ly there comes a voyce out of the cloud, I have glorify~dit, and I John 11 • 2.8. will glorify it ,tgaine 2. If we have the bleffing already, then be fure to afcribe the glory unto him, that hath made good his promife unto us; who is aGod lik.f unro thee, who paffeft by the Mica. 7· 18. tranfgre!fions of the remnant of thine heritage ? we !hould make the praife ofhis grace to ring through the world, that heaven and earth might take notice of it, and wonder at the grace tha~ hath been !hewed unto us. I -will mention the !oving-kindnef[e of the Iia 6~. '1· Lord1 and the praif csof the Lord, according to all t'r.iat the Lord hath beftowed on us, and the great goodne.f[e towards the houfe ofI[rae!, which he hath beftowed on them, according to his mercies, and atcording to the multitudeof his loving-kf:ndnej[es. See how the Prophet mentions the kindneffes, the loving-kindndfes the multitude of his loving-kindneffes; the goodneffe, -and the great goodneffe ofGod; he could hardly get off it, he would have God and grace to have all the glory: 0 my foul, hath God entered thee into a covenant of grace? why then blef[e the Lord 0 my foul, and all thllt is within me bkj[e his Pi 1 hof]Name. But ofthismoreanon. Ii Secl:. 3 ' 103'1 '